8 Technology Approaches I Love, as a Long-Term Digital Minimalist

As a creative person, removing distractions feels essential.

Alice Crady
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


a simple workspace with a laptop that says, “Be Kind.”
Photo Credit: Unsplash, by Dayne Topkin

Before owning a smartphone, I discovered and dove headfirst into a minimalism journey. In a small college dorm, I got overwhelmed by all my clothes and physical possessions and began the process of letting go.

As I became intentional with my things, I realized I could apply minimalism concepts to any area of my life.

For the past few years, I’ve been rethinking how I use technology.

Our tech tools should be supporting us, our work, creativity, and connections. But with endless possibilities, owning technology demands a high level of self-awareness.

Here’s how I’ve been creating a healthier, more productive tech relationship:

1. Remove the unnecessary

When I got my first smartphone and set up an email and social media, no one prepared me for the insane amount of incoming information. After realizing how overwhelmed and regularly distracted I felt, I began clearing out the noise.

I got very comfortable hitting “unsubscribe.” My email inbox has almost always been an essential part of working. The information there should be valuable to me. I…



Alice Crady
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

🦋 I uplift, inspire, and empower authentic human flourishing. I create transformative, hopeful, relatable content ❤️🕯 #Mental Health #Women #Relationships