Love Without Condition Is The Only Kind I Know

A dedication

Esther George
ChannSpirations and Coincidences


Silhouette photo of couple standing outdoor, at dusk
Photo by Radu Florin from Pexels

This piece is born after reading an expression of love published in KTHT. Thank you Marcus for showing us that love is an unconditional gift, which is not only possible but alive through eternity.

In her warm milky glow reflecting pure rays from the sun, the Moon is watching over every heartbeat of mine. It’s like a portrait in the velvet dark, created in love.

If only I know, yet they didn’t tell. Not a whisper, a sigh or a moan. For the end comes without a warning, too soon, leaving me alone on this moonlit path toward the heavens.

Energy shifts and waves integrating with higher density frequencies — swirling, stirring. Wintry wind greets the land bringing a chill, rousing the trees, echoing sounds of my soul serenade, a gentle ringing in the ears. I’m not alone strolling under the Milky Way.

I hear your voice in the silence. On nights I lie awake wishing you’re here with me, caressing me and wiping away inexpressible pathos. It’s clear we belong together, no matter where or when…



Esther George
ChannSpirations and Coincidences

Writer • Dreamer • Storyteller • She writes about discovering and living your best life now because life is truly what you make it.