Chapter by Chapter’s books

A list of books published with the Chapter by Chapter publication


Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

Mindtwister: Is It A Date?

A short fiction story written by Juanita Gordon

AWS CDK Serverless Cookbook: A Step-by-step Guide to Building a Serverless App in the Cloud

Written by Miguel A. Calles

The Short Sale: A Disgruntled Former Homeowner Seeks Revenge for Losing His House · A Novel

Written by Miguel A. Calles

Before you go

Is your dream to write a book, but you are worried you do not have what it takes? You can start writing one chapter at a time. Submit your drafts to the Chapter by Chapter publication and start realizing your dream.



Miguel A. Calles · Serverless CISO
Chapter by Chapter

Author of Mastering AWS Serverless · AWS Community Builder · Specializing in CMMC, SOC 2, serverless & engineering.