Raising money in the US when you are a (tiny) French start-up

“French VCs, European VCs, … Meh. We will raise money in the US”.
This is a sentence that I hear quite a lot in Paris these days. And yeah I get it, raising money in the US remains the absolute proof of success when you are a French entrepreneur.

Plus, in 2015, two French/US rounds had the chance to be well covered by the tech media: Snips Series A and La Ruche qui dit oui Series B.

I’m not exactly sure why, but it led people to think that it’s now super easy to raise money from the US.

(Spoiler alert: it’s not.)

But let’s say that you’d like to give it a try anyway. How do you do it?
To answer that question, we (@Joris_Thom and I) gathered data from venture databases and VC websites and tried to make sure we didn’t miss any deals.

Also to make sure we’re drawing a realistic picture of the landscape…

  • we excluded companies that have been US-based from the start such as Lending Club, Wit.ai, Placemeter, Insensi, Mindie, … , even though their founders are French.

And here’s what we found:

Since 2010,
only 20 startups
based in France
received funding
from US VCs

That’s less than 1% of the 3000 venture deals which happened in that time frame.

Who made it to the glorious 1%?

7 Series A:
DocTrackr (Atlas & Polaris),
Finexkap (FinSight),
Front (SoftTech VC, BOLDStart Ventures, Caffeinated Capital),
Holidog (private investors),
Misterbnb (MicroVentures, Pole Capital, 500 start-ups),
PriceMatch (Tekton Venture),
Snips (The Hive, Eniac, 500 start-ups)

5 Series B:
Algolia (Storm Ventures),
La Ruche qui dit oui (Union Square Ventures),
Novapost (US bureau of Accel),
RedBird (The Commercial Drone Fund),
Sketchfab (FirstMark Capital, Techstars)

8 Series C and next:
Believe Digital (TCV, GP Bullhoud Sidecar),
Blablacar (Lead Edge Capital),
Criteo (Bessemer Ventures),
Kyriba (Upfront Ventures),
RAD (Vaizra Investments),
Scality (Menlo Ventures),
Sigfox (Elliott Management Corporation),
Talend (Silver Lake Partners)

But what made them stand out? Notwithstanding their off the chart traction…

1. Most of them had already raised from a European VC before (or during) their US round

European VC presence in start-ups which raised a US financing round

As you can see from our small list, 2/3 of the US rounds are Series B or later.

  • Algolia raised a first round from the talented people at Alven, Index and Point Nine before receiving $1.2m from Storm Ventures (and then, yeah, $18m from Accel).

2. The rest of them went to Techstars, the YC or 500 startups before raising their US round

Prevalence of US acceleration in French start-ups which raised their Series A in the US
  • Front for instance was funded right after completing the Y Combinator acceleration program, and ended up West Coast flipping the company. (btw, Algolia went to YC too)

Conclusion: still want to raise money in the US in a few months’ time?

Then start by applying to the best US accelerators.

Or be ready to raise a badass European round

and if you pick the later, don’t forget to give us a call.

wink wink


At Chausson Finance, we match smart money with great companies.

In the first six months of 2015, we have already helped raise €24m:
- Alkemics €5m Series A with Index Ventures (UK),
- Take Eat Easy’s €6m Series A with Rocket Internet (GE), DN Capital (UK) and Piton Capital (UK)
- Cheerz’s €6m Series A with Serena Capital (FR)
- Famoco’s €4m Series B with Hi Inov, BPI and Aurinvest (FR)
- Habiteo’s €3m Series A with Serena Capital (FR)

Want to get in touch for advice about your upcoming fundraising? We’d love to hear from you. To get in touch, you can set a meeting with me at Ladurée or message me on Linkedin

You can also check out our previous article about the 5 key ingredients to raise €2m and more.

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You can also join about 250 other venture capital enthusiasts and be notified when the new post is out: http://eepurl.com/bjjkiD — See you soon!

