The Secret to Inner Peace and Happiness:

Getting A New Perspective On Life

Isabel Young
3 min readOct 13, 2021


Photo by Jordan McDonald on Unsplash

We All Need Encouragement

Where do we get it when we need it most?

Encouragement is something that has always been given to us when we need it the most. It might come from a friend, family member, or often from our own thoughts of encouragement.

However, one thing that we may not have realized is that This type of encouragement can be given by strangers as well through social media posts.

These encouraging messages can provide a sense of relief and hope in people’s lives. This can give a new perspective even if it may only last for a short moment.

Does “Struggling” Qualify as Part of Your Process?

Struggling is not just another word for feeling down on your luck. It means that you are not sure of what you want to do or you don’t know how to do it.

The process is all about accepting that not every day is going to be a good day, and this is perfectly OK.

Some parts of life can be difficult or uncomfortable. To get through them, we must get through the process and realize that we are in a transition.

What is the Secret to Inner Peace and Happiness?

It is not a coincidence that inner peace and happiness are so closely related to one another. Let’s explore the secret to inner peace and happiness.

Inner peace is a state of being in which the person has an absence of mental chaos or turmoil. It is the ultimate goal for most people, because it means that they can live in harmony with themselves and their environment.

Happiness can range from a feeling of contentment to intense joy. It always includes feelings of pleasure and satisfaction. Many factors can contribute to our level of happiness. Yet, happiness boils down to how we feel about ourselves and our lives.

How You Can Find It within Yourself.

Finding peace and happiness is not always easy.

It takes time, patience, and discipline. But it is worth it.

Finding peace and happiness is not a simple task. But it doesn’t mean that you should stop trying to find it within yourself.

We should start by looking at our thoughts and memories for a moment. We have to be mindful of our thoughts because they are the ones that will affect how we feel. Our thoughts can take us from being happy to being sad, from inner peace to chaos.

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Final Thoughts:

Remembering your struggles makes for a better tomorrow. This can help you as well as others, too.

Remembering your struggles can come in handy. We may not be able to change the past but we can use these memories to make better choices in the future.

Remembering your struggles can help you make better decisions at a later time. These memories are there for a reason — they make us who we are today.

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Isabel Young

Motivational, Mindset, Health & Getting Better with Age - Helping people improve what they think and how they feel about themselves.