Go to Childhood Hacks
Childhood Hacks
War stories from childhood hacking
Note from the editor

War stories from childhood hacking

Go to the profile of Amjad Masad
Amjad Masad
Founder @replit. Previously JavaScript @facebook (@babeljs, @reactnative)
Go to the profile of Amjad Masad
Amjad Masad
Founder @replit. Previously JavaScript @facebook (@babeljs, @reactnative)
Go to the profile of Michiel Sikma
Michiel Sikma
Programmer and graphic designer based in the Netherlands. 日本語もちょっと話せます。以前1年ほど東京に住んでいました。
Go to the profile of Dan Abramov
Dan Abramov
Working on @reactjs. Co-author of Redux and Create React App. Building tools for humans.
Go to the profile of Rajika Imal
Rajika Imal
💻 Software Engineer 🛠️ Tooling infra 💝 Delightful products https://theruntime.dev
Go to the profile of Alexandre Rafalovitch