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Tech China Post
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Tech China Post #43

SF Motors Inc, the electric vehicle business of China’s Chongqing Sokon Industry Group, bought InEVit Inc. InEVit is an electric vehicle and battery tech firm headed by former Tesla executive Martin Eberhard. China is the world’s largest car market and the world’s largest market for electric…

Tech China Post #36…artificial intelligence

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Huawei said it has created a new generation of AI chip that can surpass Apple and Samsung. AI capabilities are embedded at the chip level to drive further…

Tech China Post #24

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Ant Financial is investing in AI to position itself as a leader in financial technology. In addition to R&D, Ant Financial has been an active strategic investor in AI and emerging tech startups…

Tech China Post #23

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The exam result of the AI bot (AI-MATHS) that took the math portion of the once-a-year Chinese university entrance exam is back — it got below average grade. It scored 105 out of 150. The company…

Tech China Post #22

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Xi Jinping’s remarks on scientific innovation

Energy and Climate

Tech China Post #21

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Google’s A.I. Program’s defeat of the Chinese Go master shows a fundamental power of AI…a machine can scale trained intelligence significantly while humans can’t.