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Tech China Post
Tech China Post
a weekly on technology in China
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Tech China Post #49

November venture capital in China reached $2B (link)

Honda is establishing a 5-year joint R&D project with China-based SenseTime, an artificial intelligent company focused on object and image recognition. SenseTime is one of the unicorns in China and has raised more…

Tech China Post #18

China tech venture funding in April’17 reached $1.9B. Complete report here.

Following Tencent’s launch of Dingdang, Baidu launches its first commercial home robot called Xiaoyu

Tech China Post #17

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Tencent continues its investments in AI, launching AI Voice Assistant ‘Dingdang,” similar to Siri and Alexa, and opening an AI lab in Seattle headed by a former Microsoft researcher.

Tech China Post #16

Subscribe to receive the March Venture Capital Funding Report

FAW Jiefang, a truck manufacturer in China, showed a set of early features of a self-driving truck. FAW is one of the big 4 automakers in China and has joint ventures with foreign automakers such as GM…

Tech China Post #7

Subscribe to receive the State of Tech China in Numbers — January 2017

So far, there hasn’t been a week gone by without Baidu doing something in AI. Baidu made its first investment alongside major media companies in the U.S. and acquired a Y Combinator-backed virtual

Tech China Post #6

Sign up to download January 2017 China Venture Report

Internet of Things (IoT)

Huawei and Oracle working together on smart grids and IoT

China is the biggest producer of solar power