Three Things You Should Know Before Learning Mandarin Chinese(English Ver.)

三個學中文以前,你應該知道的事(Reading For A2 Level)

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Chinese with forty taiwan
4 min readMay 28, 2021


— — — — — 中文版請看 Here is the Mandarin version article.

Would you like to learn Mandarin?

Do you want to work in China?

Or, do you plan to live in Taiwan? Take a trip to Taipei?

There are three questions I would like to give you before you start learning Chinese.

(1)為什麼你想學中文?Why do you learn Mandarin Chinese?

I know it’s an easy question for you, but it’s still the most important thing.

I met some students who just arrived in Taiwan. They had a specific purpose, which was to learn basic conversation in Chinese, for example, using Mandarin to buy food and have small talk to their Taiwanese friends. Some of my students told me s/he wants to get a job in the future so s/he made the effort to practice Chinese. I remember there is a Thai-girl in my class. She spent 1 to 2 hours a day on reviewing and previewing. Because she had a clear goal and knew what she was doing.

Of course, some students do not find the reason why they learn Chinese.

At this moment you might think learning Chinese is not necessary. Because you have many things to do, like work or travel everywhere. Then it makes you feel stuck with your Chinese. So be sure to ask yourself WHY do you learn Mandarin.

(2)中國的中文和臺灣的中文,你要學哪一種?Which one would you like to learn? Chinese or Taiwanese Chinese?

It feels like you ask an American and British this question, ”Is the English in the UK the same as the English in the USA?” S/he will say the pronunciation is different, for example, a British read WATER /ˈwɔː.tər/ while an American read WATER /ˈwɑː.t̬ɚ/. Besides, an American says “Cookies”; the British say “Biscuits”.

So here are the Chinese characters used in China and Taiwan.

*繁體字/正體字(Traditional Character)、*注音(Zhuyin, The Phonetic System used in Taiwan)

*簡體字/簡化字(Simplified Character)、*拼音(Pinyin, The Phonetic System used in China)

In addition to the character, some of the pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar have differences. However, in my opinion, the culture and customs is the point you have to consider. The people living in Taiwan have liberty. You can express yourself, discuss politics, religion, or society’s issues with teachers.

I think when you learn a language that means you’re learning the culture at the same time. Why do you want to learn Mandarin? Which country’s Chinese is the one you would like to learn?

(3)你想學拼音還是注音?Pinyin or Zhuyin?

Okay, I know it sounds a little weird.

But if you study in China or decide to go to China, that won’t be a problem. However, (as I know) in Taiwan, most language centers and buxiban use Pinyin. Maybe… you feel “?!” again.

Because you’ve heard Taiwanese learn Zhuyin when they are kids. Also, many of your Taiwanese friends can’t use Pinyin. So WHY do the teachers in Taiwan teach Pinyin?

That’s definitely a complicated question. Both Pinyin and Zhuyin have pros and cons. Today, let me talk about it briefly. “Which one suits you?”

If you intend to travel to Taiwan and learn Chinese a little bit. Pinyin will suit you. Although the pronunciation of many letters in Pinyin is totally different as in English.

For example,

Since you’ve known the English letters which are familiar to you. To start learning Pinyin won’t be too hard.

But if you plan to live in Taiwan for quite a while or your kid study here, Zhuyin will suit you. Even though you will have a headache as you saw the thirty-seven “drawing”(the alphabet). However, the symbols are new to you so your brain won’t give the sound of a letter in English.

We have new thematic courses launched recently, ‘Live in Taiwan-Learn phonetic system(Zhuyin)’ and ‘Travel in Taiwan-Speak Chinese a little’.

If you are interested in it, don’t hesitate to have a look at our Facebook page.>>

In summary, three questions before learning Mandarin Chinese you should know:

1.Why do you learn Mandarin Chinese?

2.Which one would you like to learn? Chinese or Taiwanese Chinese?

3.Pinyin or Zhuyin?

加油! Jiā yóu!

我是Helen。 如果你喜歡這篇文章,歡迎拍拍手、或是分享。也歡迎你留言,告訴我你的想法;)I’m Helen, teacher Lai. If you like this article, feel free to ‘Clap’ and ‘Share’. Also, responses are welcomed.;)

