Chingu FCC Speedrun Challenge: Wikipedia Viewer

Amir Fakheraldeen
Chingu FCC Speedrun
1 min readMay 11, 2017

For my 4th project in the speedrun challenge, I chose to build the Wikipedia viewer. The app should provide the user with the ability to search Wikipedia articles based on input, as well as click a button to view a random article.

I started out by setting up the project files, as usual, like the various Vue components that I’ve decided to reuse some of from previous projects, namely the header and footer components (no point in re-creating them each time). I also decided to reuse the same base CSS file I used on the last couple projects, adding more to it when there’s something new I need to add (like list and text input styles in this case), essentially building a mini CSS library. I found I’m learning to write code that’s more reusable this way.

It took quite some time — and research — to figure out how to work with Wikipedia’s API, but eventually, and after some trial and error, I figured it out.

Here’s how the final project looks like:

That’s about it for now. Time to get to the next project!


Previous projects:

