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Chingu FCC Speedrun
Chingu FCC Speedrun
The home of the FCC Speedrun challenge, designed by P1XT (hosted in the Chingu cohorts)! Github -> https://github.com/P1xt/chingu-fcc-speedrun-challenge
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FCC Speedrun #4 URL-Shortener

End Product

Deployed app — https://elixir-url-shortener.herokuapp.com/

Code- https://github.com/yasserhussain1110/chingu-fcc-speedrun-challenge/tree/master/backend/api-url-shortener

FCC SpeedRun #3: File Metadata

After finishing the Timestamp Microservice, I started with the FileMetadata Micro service.

Now the FCC FileMetadata Micro service is quite straightforward. You upload a file, the service responds with the size of the file.

FCCSpeedRun #2: Diving into Elixir

After building the Request Header Parser Microservice, (read about it here) I started to build the Timestamp Microservice.

For those who are new to FCC, here is a quick recap of the objective of the Timestamp Microservice.

Chingu-FCC-Speedrun-Challenge Day 1 — Tribute Page

As mentioned in my previous post I began my FCC Speedrun Challenge today.

I picked the Frontend stack of FCC for the challenge. That is, I must complete all the projects under Frontend Certification in 2 weeks.

FCC Speedrun — First steps into coding

I signed up for speedrun, despite of having a ton of courses and books, I planned to finish…