Chingu Weekly Vol. 54

Chance McAllister
Published in
3 min readMar 19, 2018

Another glimpse at the wondrous Build-to-learn lifestyle @ Chingu!

@jon’s drum app!

News & Opportunities

🎉 Congratulations @andres for getting a junior React developer job!!

🎉 Congratulations @chris on the new job as a Python developer!

🎉 Congratulations @gherds for getting the job as a IT communication officer in the largest humanitarian agency in the world! That is so wonderful!!

🎉 Congratulations to the 86.6% of teams who believe they are on pace to finish the MVP of their team project by April 21st! We’ve still got another 4 weeks so there’s lots of time to go beyond your comfort-zone and level-up your skills to build!! YOU’VE GOT THIS!

Cheers to these burgeoning legends!🍻

On the weekly check-ins there is a question that asks: Is there anyone on your team who has been super helpful, kind, hard-working, etc. and deserves a shout-out?

Here’s the list of the people who got a shout-out (or 3) last week 👇

Andrew Salcedo, Ana Veiga, sosodope, 8thday, ziggysauce, @vannya taught me a lot during out pair programming session this weekend, Luis Jaquez, Ana veiga, designbyinna, Meeetch, @lazycesar, Arvee, @lucygracesmom @Javilag and @Haberdashery, Kevin, lydiavuj, Jordan and Jason have been really helpful to me working through git issues, Yassine, JazyLabs, nik, josephMyalla, Every member, kenito, Unwana essien, @soreg, @Mufasa, @Roudy is made of pure grit 🔥(He’s struggled with stuff that’s new to him but doesn’t know what “quit” is. I really admire that in him.), Jai, All of them, Munsterburg, @ziggysauce, Veronica, Dan Nguyen, everyone, @carla and @Nat Ravenhill, Misomighty, Skidragon, akinwalehabib, Both my teammates are still great! Nick has been great! Zoey, all of them, Marcel, this guy is the MVP!, matthewburfield, marianoheller, @Tia

Shout-out & Showcase

🔥 @nicolasbg77 built this awesome FIND-A-ROUTE app! Check it out here!


🔥 Miljan Djordjevic built this snazzy calculator app!

🔥@vampiire has finally written an article on his learning adventures, titled Three Tangents on Learning. I highly recommend checking it out!

🔥 Check out this awesome drumkit app from @jon!

🔥@jon also wrote this blog post on flexbox.

🔥 kenito henry also built a calculator app recently! Check it out here.

🔥 Here is @jordan’s nightlife coordination app!

Overheard in Chingu

Below is an excerpt from this week’s edition. See the whole article here.

We had a big issue with our project, as we could not do the project we initially planned on doing (limitations of API). We had an emergency-meeting, and found a new use for the API after like 30 minutes. Team is awesome!

I successfully implemented passport authentication in our application

frontend mvp almost complete

React pair programming. The past week we set up many React components, have re-styled our UI mobile first and added some Sass variables, and also set up our server and some basic routes to be connected to the client side next week.

The front end view and basic CRUD API are finished and ready to be integrated!

Everyone is progressing as planned with their learning for the sprints ahead — we’ve got a skeleton of our frontend built and will finalize initial design of the missing pages this week.

We successfully connected the front end to the back end. I learned how to implement asynchronous requests in React



Chance McAllister
Editor for

Founder @ Chingu. Experience Designer. Lifelong learner. Teacher. Runner. Reader. Insatiably curious. Apply here: