ChinguCollabs Weekly vol. 63 — remote dev adventures

Chance McAllister
Published in
5 min readJun 18, 2018
Kelvin’s app

News & Opportunities

🎉 Congratulations Ronique Ricketts who got a FCC cert last week!

🎉 Congratulations @trion on your CodeFights tournament adventure this past week!

🔈 Francesco Agnoletto wrote an article called How to not f- up your first interviews as a self taught developer. This is a must read (sidenote: he conducts the interviews for developers at his company 💯)!

Shout-outs & Showcases

🔥 CrowdCluster — a Crowd-data visualization on Singapore’s Restaurants. By . “Used an existing Python script from someone else for the Google crowd level query, main App logic in Rails and front-end JS/jQuery/Google Maps JS API to display. Try searching for McDonalds (not sure if other restaurants work)” — @KelvinChow

🔥Check out this cool app by @marcorseoane!

🔥 “It is a website where all Japanese, Korean and Chinese novels I’ve ever read are listed and ranked!” — Oleksandr Malakhov

🔥Check out @brandonvernon’s portfolio here!

🔥 “I finished and deployed a small web application that helps users to gain some insights when they face any difficulty with confusing phrases.” — Jai Tiwari

🔥 Check out @Michaelgee’s portfolio built with React!

🔈 @vikranth wrote an article called Exploring GraphQL, A Comprehensive Guide part-1!

🔥 Have a look at this awesome Hello Kitty Calculator by @kate!

Overheard in Chingu

I got to deploy a project to production! I’m especially proud of this because I got to do everything, from the design, to the implementation, building a test suite, setting up a CI/CD tool with test, staging and production branches and automated deployment, to deployment etc… It’s been a thrilling ride!

I have been invited to give a talk on open source at a community event.

completed our sprint! + our team lead taught me a bit about GraphQL

Progressing well ahead of schedule, page is coming along nicely and we are making plans for what to do after we hit our MVP

Pushed code to master on my first day at work!

skyped with my teammate and had great connections, pinpointed what we might get stuck with early on and will work to overcome those hurdles as early as possible in the voyage

Scheduled a meeting, set up communication through discord, and set up a waffle board for project workflow.

🔥Team-mates of the Week🔥


Miguel E., kirankumarambati, Jai, Gleider, Alexever17 went ham sandwiches this weekend. Got a LOT of work done., @sparta, Andres, @AHMAD has been great. He is very productive and has been the rockstar of our team., ruslan4k, @capt-pyro, Natividad, @jon-maldia again! 🎉 He wrote the skeleton of our project in waffle and made them smaller tasks. It was really helpful for us to decide what we should work on., xstrengthofonex, Sonam, @AK did hard work. He tries to be a team-lead. As a matter of fact, it works. @Chetan Yadav created UI prototype. He is our new teammate. Good guy., @Cadis, TheSharpReport, @lePancake, @Ivan, @jason. , Javamajk for patiently helping me learn React, Marshall, sosodpe, RiRiOG, Cllra, @marianoheller has been killing it this week, he’s the GOAT!! He closes issues like a boss and offers his team mates assistance / pair programming on top of his job! @ziggysauce is still amazingly helpful — even with his new job offering he has been active on the project and making time to contribute. @Raymond’s drive to code, his contributions & willingness to pair program on top of work and family responsibilities is awesome and inspirational!, @Julis, @Tim H, Michael Daryl Mayo, Miloš, @gherds and @shibatas have welcomed me on their team with open arms. Thank you both!, @Vtt01uk. Despite his tight schedule and family responsibilities he was the first one to collaborate to our github repo!, @ibrahim He so awesome he works as backend and designer at the same time for our project, @marianoheller — going beast mode in terms of pushing up code, @TJ @phuong @sdbowen, marianoheller, @crisner 👌, brandonvernon


Adam, Daniel, jondevops, Merline, Oba, A shout out to my team members for being friendly and hyper active! @Anton @vee, everybody in my team, All of them are, Both team members have been great (jondevops & sanpaul), @vytautas @vee, Marouane R, he’ve been active and clearly wanting to build a strong and resilient team since the very first hours after the team was launched, @Chandana, Martin Kovac, arielbk, todorare was full of project ideas and Ansaar Younis brought experience!, jam, Martina, @mbabaian for setting the foundation to get our team off to a strong start by putting our voyage roadmap together on a trello board, vytautas and anton are both lovely teammates!, jesica, @MaestroJolly, Dez, Arminas Bek, nickey_vee, mar-bi, DavidL, Ablakes, My whole team has been awesome so far., Both my team mates are great all have the energy to have a good start., Max, Vlad, Remy W, Martin Kovac, amsteffensen, @abhi-hk95, Nickey_vee, @Lamia, anuj_pahade, mayerxc, Eury, Ryan. Always says yes. Always keen to make progress. Also he’s apparently our own GH rockstar, which excites me lots since I’m super bad at group on GH and could use someone skilled to learn from., SnGrimes, Allan

Quote to Go

“We can’t control the fact that bad things are going to happen, but it’s how we react to them that really matters.” — Dustin Moskovitz, co-founder of Asana

“I think Musk drives hedge fund managers crazy as half of them are short his shares because he exudes so much promotional hucksterism, and half of them are long because he is actually thinking on a 100-year time scale. It’s very confusing.” 😂 — Graham Duncan, co-founder of East-Rock Capital



Chance McAllister
Editor for

Founder @ Chingu. Experience Designer. Lifelong learner. Teacher. Runner. Reader. Insatiably curious. Apply here: