ChinguCollabs Weekly 62 — Voyage-6 has been launched!

Chance McAllister
Published in
5 min readJun 11, 2018

Welcome Voyage-6 to the collaboration shenanigans! LET’S BUILD-TO-LEARN!!

Fancy Action’s Hackathon project!

News & Opportunities

🎉 Congratulations @aleksej on the PHP job!

🎉 Congratulations ziggysauce on the NEW JOB!!

🎉 Congratulations Miljan Djordjevic on the remote developer job!!

🎉Congratulations on the new developer job Ikemefuna! Good luck learning the new framework for it!

🎉Congratulations @Aman on the new developer job!!

🎉 Best of luck this week on your BIG tests @ram — you’ve got this!!

🎉 Congrats Fancy Action and your team for winning an award at the Hack4Change Hackathon!!

Shout-outs & Showcases

🔥 Shout-out to Voyage-6, which launched this past week! MORE TEAMS BUILD TO LEARN MORE THINGS!

🔥 Fancy Action and his team built this project at the Hack4Change Hackathon!! WOOOOO!

🔥 Check out Tony Brackins Events app here called Eventlia!

🔥@oliver was part of a legendary team in Voyage-4, and he’s written an article about his team experience here.

🔥 (Especially for Voyage — 6ers!) Francesco Agnoletto did a live stream on using Git in a team setting a few weeks ago. I highly recommend it!


🔥Check out the code for Eric Zumwalt’s Memory game here! Sidenote: Eric gets an extra shoutout for showcasing such grit in Voyage-5. 💪

🔥Emmilie Estabillo showcased the Build-to-Learn mindset this week when she built a twitter bot to help raise awareness of depression. She also wrote a short article about the project, which you can see here!

🔥I love this, @jaffacake built this project for a family friend. Building to learn for good!

🔥I love this minimalist approach to a personal site by @alexandergarcia! (nice animation in there too)

🔥 Speaking of personal projects, I highly recommend checking out @waswa’s personal page and to read his “About me”. Quite the inspiration individual he is!

As you probably already know my name is Waswa. I’m a CompSci major at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver. My story is one with many twists and turns but ultimately left me somewhere I belong: code.

🏖 Jim Medlock has been gallivanting around Hawaii this past week and was kind enough to this (as well as a picture of his feet with a pristine ocean backdrop 😂)

Jim Medlock

🔥Team-mates of the Week🔥

@crisner ← She is awesome !! Needs a loud shout-out.
@Dani Vijay
@fancyAction, @sparta
@Jason Kim , He set up our team repo’s boilerplate and explained how React-Native worked on a high level to us. He is our Scrum Master and explained how that works in a professional setting. He also contributed to our app wireframe. From the moment we adopted him into our team he’s shown initiative and a real want to go far with our team.
@jon-maldia; After our team lead disappeared, although Jon is busy with his work, he volunteered to set up our team project! We really appreciate it ;)
@marianoheller seems super on top of everything, pushes code quickly, offers great assistance, and has stellar feedback. @Madison_Crocker is an excellent team lead, encouraging activity and motivation, and is very flexible with both handling ideas and executing code across our stack. @Raymond oozes an aura of motivation and determination, continuously wanting to pair-program and bang out code for our app!
Alex Garcia
Big shout out @TheSharpReport for all his help with the grid and initial setup of the project!
Bruno Leite and Ruiner
Chetan Yadav
Jason Kim
Lennyroy Robles
lePancake, Ivan
marianoheller and ziggysauce
Miguel E.
Miguel E.
Tiffany Lam

Overheard in Chingu

Random lines taken out of context from the Chingu cohorts!

@Ziggysauce got a job!

Completed project planning, have initial user stories in place, stack chosen and everyone is contributing well! So far, excellent start! :-)

Hi everyone, this is my first cohort. Very excited to get out of my comfort zone and build some great stuff! 🎉

I finally had the ‘click’ moment with React, where it started to make sense.

hhhhhhhh helloooo guys wooow this is so excitiinng seeing you all guys so hyper ❤️

I got a job!

I started working on Algorithms from Leetcode after getting inspiration from fellow Chingus.

Get ready for a wild ride!

Chingu of the Week

This week the honors go to @sylvie!

Not only was she recruited to join an awesome transfer project in Voyage-5, but she has also helped improve Chingu for the rest of the community by refreshing the Voyage wiki! @sylvie showcases two incredibly valuable traits as a team-mate: 1) She is considerate and highly reliable & 2) She has a miraculous eye for detail. In this way she’s an inspiration to the community and not only are we lucky to have her here, but future Voyagers will have a better experience because of her. 💯

p.s. Special shout-out to Jim Medlock for being himself and the immense contributions he’s had in bringing the wiki into existence, as well as working with @sylvie on the refreshed version.

Quotes to Go

The most successful open-source software engineers are the ones who collaborate best; they build on an improve the work of their peers, even when there’s no obvious immediate benefit to them. Even big companies like GE are talking up a “radical shift in everyday work behavior” toward collaboration. — Jeremy Heimans



Chance McAllister
Editor for

Founder @ Chingu. Experience Designer. Lifelong learner. Teacher. Runner. Reader. Insatiably curious. Apply here: