The Voyage-4 Handbook

Some resources for your global code Voyage

Chance McAllister
3 min readFeb 6, 2018


Below is a list of links to help you get oriented and ready for your Remote-developer code Voyage! Don’t feel like you have to read & watch everything (you won’t be able to).


🔥Reminder — The Voyage-4 Onboarding starts February 8th & teams will be released February 15th (Thursday afternoon UTC-5)

1 — Keep up with the community via the Chingu Medium Publication 🚀

We will publish a weekly update article here with member projects, news, job announcements & any other opportunities we find out about. We also publish project showcases and member articles (tutorials, tips, experiences, etc.).

If you’d like to write for the Chingu Medium Publication, feel free to submit your article or article idea here and we’ll get in touch!

2 — Chingu Wikis

(aka how it all works)

Voyage Wiki

Project Manager Wiki (PMROK)

3 — Your Project Roadmap

(aka how your team project will work)

4 — Team-Project Prompts

(aka options for your team to build)

5 — Videos from past (and present) Code Voyagers

Van Tabbert on the importance of building Momentum in remote teams.

Ben Kandelaars on his experience/team workflow in Voyage-2 (they reverse-engineered Airbnb!)

Shout-out to @paulina, Yuka Masuda, @lukasz

Francesca Sadikin on her team’s project in Voyage-2 (they built TurtlesTab!)

Shout-out to Eun Park, thorbw, @miles

Jim Medlock on his team experience building the MVP of Idea Nebulae in Voyage-2

Shout-out to Sarah Schneider, Parminder Singh, Andrés Pérez!

JD Richards on the Kronos slackbot he built with his team-mate in Voyage-1

shout-out to Daniel Segovia!

Van Tabbert made a video walking through using github in a team setting!

6 — Member Articles

Sarah Schneider (one of the creators of CO/MENT) on her experience in a Voyage team:

Six things I learned in six weeks on a Chingu Voyage Build2Learn project

Olly John on his experience in Voyage-2 as a Project Manager:

Taking the reins: A Junior Developer’s voyage as a PM

Fred Hawk on the project his team built in Voyage-2:

Tickybot — Chingus little helper

Bolu Ajibawo on his Voyage-1 experience as a Project Manager:

Chingu Voyage Challenge: A letter to my past self

ziggysauce on his team’s project & workflow in Voyage:

Voyage: A Journey of Code Traveling Through the Web

6 — The Winter Chingu Project Showcase will be added shortly after Voyage-4 is launched

The Spring/Summer Chingu Project Showcase

The Fall Chingu Project Showcase



Chance McAllister

Founder @ Chingu. Experience Designer. Lifelong learner. Teacher. Runner. Reader. Insatiably curious. Apply here: