A Mean Left Hook

A chapter of a Choose your own adventure story — drabble Edition!


Stone statue of an angel lifting a woman up and away.
Photo by Luigi Boccardo on Unsplash

This is a continuation of You Are Dead, a Choose Your Own Adventure Story — Drabble Edition! Find out how to contribute here, or return to the previous chapter: “You Are Dead”, “Death, Daggers and Danger”, or “Unexpected Tidings as Battle Rages”.

“You and me, Death! First one to knock their opponent on their back wins.”

Death nods. You realize you are fighting in an old graveyard — fitting!

You unload a flurry of fists into Death’s black cloak but feel nothing. No body! Death made his body incorporeal!

You duck under an angel statue as he swings at you, but you didn’t catch the quick hook from his left hand.

The punch hits with the force of a freight train, and it sends you flying through the air into the statue.

Winded, you land on your back. You’ve finally spent your luck.

You are dead

A literal dead end. But fear not! Check out these other Choose Your Own Adventure stories!



Jonathon Sawyer
Choose Your Own Adventure — Collaboration

I’m a Canadian writer of short stories; a poet of dubious repute. I experiment with interesting concepts and styles, which is why I head TKL's Monday Mash-Ups