Drabble Story Arc #1: Until Luck Runs Out

“You Are Dead”

A choose your own adventure story — Drabble Edition!

A skeletal humanoid wearing black hooded robes, Death personified
Image via MidJourney

Please check out this article to find out how you can contribute to this and other “choose your own adventure” stories. Perhaps you could write a follow-up chapter… or the chapter before! It’s entirely up to you. Have fun!

This story arc of Choose Your Own Adventure is a special edition and comes with additional rules. All chapters added to this story arc must be a drabble.

The story portion of the article can only be 100 words. No more, and no less.

Additional words are permitted for choices offered at the end and links.

Despite your recent death, you are the luckiest person on Earth. Somehow fate has always smiled upon you whether it be an ace up your sleeve or a lightning-quick wit.

Regardless, you’ve always come out on top, but now Death has an offer for you.

Every time you die you can play a game to win additional time on your life, but Death doesn’t like to lose.

He will plot against you to stand before him again to play, and eventually, your luck must run out.

How many times can you beat Death before your soul is ultimately consumed?

What will you do next? Do you:

  1. Challenge Death to a fist fight.
  2. Challenge Death to a flip of a coin.
  3. Challenge Death to a game of cards.

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Bradan Writes Stories
Choose Your Own Adventure — Collaboration

I'm a bacterial bard, and my inkwell is infectious. As disease diplomat, allow my quarantine quill to prescribe a cure, my tales of fantasy to ease your malady.