An Orphan Runs From Her Past

“You look like a strong, smart girl, the perfect one for the job.”


A.I. image generated by author via Nightcafe

This is a Choose Your Own Adventure story, and here is the first chapter by Jonathon Sawyer. Click for the previous chapter. Learn how you can join us in writing Choose Your Own Adventure stories here!

You light up like a lantern at the elf’s praise and invitation.

As an underfed, skinny orphan girl, you rarely get such favor.

“My name is Eshami,” the elf says. “You look like a strong, smart girl, the perfect one for the job. But you need to follow my lead. We’re going somewhere dangerous, so you have to trust me, okay?”

You smile a little. “As long as you can give me a home, food, and water, I’ll be fine. Is there anything I should prepare? I don’t own much, though.”

Eshami frowns. “I doubt your provisions would be enough, anyway.” She halts, as though she realizes that her wording was hurtful. “Forgive me. The road ahead may be perilous, but you are the right choice for the journey, I can feel it. Do you want to head back to your dwellings to check if you want to bring anything?”

You shake your head again. What’s the point of going back to a flea-infested…

