Fiction | Game | Medium Adventurers League ⚔️

At the Temple of Hyoon

A quest — the spiritual side of The Bastion?


An animal god.
Image by the author using MidJourney

This is part of a story that works as an interactive game. You’ll need to have a notepad and dice at the ready!

Find a reminder of the rules here, click here for the beginning of the game, or head back to the Hearthstone Hideout.

By morning, you set out into the streets of The Bastion for your latest quest. It is a warm, sunny day, and you squint as you look at the instructions you picked up back at Hearthstone Hideout:

A brave and creative hero is needed at the Temple of Hyoon on Sandgate Street. The basement has been infiltrated by creeping vines, and they have attacked and killed several of our worshipers! These pests need to be removed, and the area made safe.

Well, it sounds like a straightforward task, and you’re not yet at the point where you would consider it to be beneath you…

The route to the temple takes you close to The Bastion’s docks. As the largest port on the entire island of Primatria, the docks are bustling already. This might not be as much of a fishing town as Westport, but there are plenty of ships docked, with others heading out on unknown voyages.



JF Danskin
Choose Your Own Adventure — Collaboration

Writing fiction (fantasy especially) and poetry, enthusiast for creativity, collaboration, community. An Editor at the Fiction Writer's Den.