Do Not Pass Go

A choose your own adventure story — Drabble Edition!

Monopoly racecar piece sitting on Boardwalk
Photo by Robert Linder on Unsplash

This is a collaborative web-novel. You might want to start the story at the beginning, here.

And please check out this article to find out how you can contribute to this and other ‘choose your own’ stories in this publication!

You challenge Death to a game of Monopoly

You’ve spent your entire childhood preparing for this moment. So many years of dominating your family as you forced them all to go bankrupt. You select your prize-winning racecar piece and prepare to win this game.

You quickly begin to realize you are losing. Your stacks of fake money quickly dwindle away as Death places down another hotel. Then another, and another.

“Your parents let you win all those years,” Death sneers.

“No that’s not possible…” you mutter as the dice roll and you land on Boardwalk.

“Time to pay up, mortal,” Death says, as he laughs at you.

You are dead…

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Bradan Writes Stories
Choose Your Own Adventure — Collaboration

I'm a bacterial bard, and my inkwell is infectious. As disease diplomat, allow my quarantine quill to prescribe a cure, my tales of fantasy to ease your malady.