Drying Off Before Burning Up

“Ketal? Ketal?”


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This is a continuation of Encounter with Miishlo, part of a ‘Choose Your Own’ tale titled The Hero of Pendown. Check out how you can contribute, as well as read other amazing entries here.

You take a deep breath as you reach the top of the hatch. The kobolds are all wandering around as if in a daze, the hold on their minds all but gone.

“Hero!” Eshami cries, clearly happy to see you alive. She wraps you up in a tight hug, then immediately resumes her placid comportment.

You grab the priestess back and sweep her low in an impassioned kiss, holding her in place for several long seconds as she stares dumbfounded into your face. You release her and she takes a dizzying step back, smiling slightly, but ultimately remaining silent.

“Thanks for saving my ass back there, Eshami,” you say earnestly, wringing out your clothes as best you can. She doesn’t respond; she seems preoccupied with trying to hide her flushed cheeks, touching her lips as if you had stolen them from her face. “Uh, Ketal, where should we go now?”

Ketal ceremoniously spins up from the floor with his usual grace and poise. He points to a metal ladder set into the wall on the far end of the Ballast Room.



Jonathon Sawyer
Choose Your Own Adventure — Collaboration

I’m a Canadian writer of short stories; a poet of dubious repute. I experiment with interesting concepts and styles, which is why I head TKL's Monday Mash-Ups