Encounter with Miishlo

“Suck on this, Fish-Face!”


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This is a continuation of Servants of Miishlo by Jonathon Sawyer and Kobold Combat Crisis! by JF Danskin, part of a collaborative ‘Choose Your Own’ tale titled The Hero of Pendown. Check out how you can contribute, as well as read other amazing entries here.

“Come to me, Manling…”

You dip your toes into the cold water lapping at the open hatchway. Someone is in your head, calling to you, and it seems you cannot fight it!

You think you hear Eshami cry out faintly as you step down to the next rung on the slimy ladder. “Hero, no!” You are up to your waist in the water already.

You’re mine, Manling,” comes the powerful telepathic boom that has come to both frighten and calm you. “Step into my realm. Yessss…

Eshami looks frantic. You see her mutter some quick incantation, then she grabs your hand and pulls you forward for a forceful kiss before your head dives below the water.

Were you in control of all of your faculties, you might have wanted to linger longer, but Miishlo’s strength is terrible, and even resisting with all your willpower is proving insufficient.



Jonathon Sawyer
Choose Your Own Adventure — Collaboration

I’m a Canadian writer of short stories; a poet of dubious repute. I experiment with interesting concepts and styles, which is why I head TKL's Monday Mash-Ups