Servants of Miishlo

“Come to me, Manling…”


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This is a continuation of Trouble at the Ballast Tanks by JF Danskin, part of a collaborative ‘Choose Your Own’ tale titled The Hero of Pendown. Check out how you can contribute, as well as read other amazing entries here.

You decide that it’s wisest to investigate the area first. What were these filthy kobolds doing on a ship crewed by humans? Or was the manifest more diverse than you initially thought?

“Excusemee, Masta!” comes a poorly vocalized request from knee height. You drop down low to meet a kobold dragging a bright yellow “Wet Floor” sign into the middle of the vast chamber.

He adjusts the sign until he’s satisfied with its position, then leans on his mop with a satisfied sigh.

“You there, uh…kobold,” you grab the pint-sized kobold by the scruff of its neck. He resists, smacking you with his mop, but you easily overpower him. “What is this place? What’s going on here?”

You plop him back down, and he tugs at his blue overalls in an attempt to adjust them. “That two questions too many!”

You’re unsure if there was any punctuation missing in that statement, but the kobold continues after a long “Hmmm…”



Jonathon Sawyer
Choose Your Own Adventure — Collaboration

I’m a Canadian writer of short stories; a poet of dubious repute. I experiment with interesting concepts and styles, which is why I head TKL's Monday Mash-Ups