Drabble Story Arc #2: Seek and Avenge

First Steps to Freedom

A chapter of a ‘choose your own’ story — drabble edition.


Rocky landscape with trees on top of cliffs and a forest in the distance.
Image generated using Midjourney.

This is a continuation of The Burned Village, a ‘choose your own’ fiction story, “drabble edition,” initially created by JF Danskin. Head back to the previous installment by clicking here, or find out how to contribute by clicking here.

There is a line of trees just beyond the horizon. Perhaps you could reunite with Dara in the forest once you’ve escaped the tyrannical blood mage.

Lorenzo has his back turned, strolling up the trail. You take one tentative step off the path, and then another. He doesn’t notice.

You take a few more slow, silent steps, then break into a run. The treeline grows steadily closer when suddenly your blood runs cold.

You turn and see Lorenzo standing on the path, arms crossed.

“Don’t let me stop you!” He shouts and smiles wickedly. “I can always find another servant!”

What do you do?

  1. Keep running (click here).
  2. Go back to Lorenzo (click here).

Thanks to JF Danskin for providing the original material leading up to this chapter. Find out how to contribute to the story by clicking here.

Check out my profile here for more choose-your-own-adventure stories.

