Drabble STORY ARC #2: Seek and Avenge

Hammering the Door

Part of a ‘choose your own’ story — drabble edition


metal hinges medieval style
Photo by Michelle Rumney on Unsplash

This is a ‘choose your own’ fiction story, “drabble edition”. You can check out Chapter 1 of this story: The Burned Village. Find out how to contribute to the ongoing story here, or check the previous chapter: ‘The Face of a Savior’, by JF Danskin.

Waiting is pointless, you decide, and it’s doubtful you’ll get help from the strange creature!

Best try to catch a guard’s attention — perhaps overpower them.

You stride forward and hammer on the door. Soon, you hear guttural cursing from the other side. A face appears — orc, no helmet. “Shuddup, vermin!”

“I have information,” you bluff. “For your leader. Great value — you’ll be rewarded.”

They hesitate. Then you hear a key turning. Success! But the guard also calls to their companions. As the door swings open, four more orcs come running.

“You disturbed our game, human,” one growls, drawing a dagger.


This story is a collaborative effort. Please feel free to join in and add a chapter, furthering the story in any way you like.



JF Danskin
Choose Your Own Adventure — Collaboration

Writing fiction (fantasy especially) and poetry, enthusiast for creativity, collaboration, community. An Editor at the Fiction Writer's Den.