I’m Going Back to Bed

A choose your own adventure story — Drabble Edition!

Slightly messy bed that looks comfy.
Photo by Becca Schultz on Unsplash

This is a collaborative web-novel. You might want to start the story at the beginning, here.

And please check out this article to find out how you can contribute to this and other ‘choose your own’ stories in this publication!

You turn right and go back home.

You get the feeling you’ve been through a lot. Dozens of fights were fought, won, and lost. The day has taken its toll on you, and you’ve seen movies involving logging trucks and they never end well.

Vague memories of death flutter about in your mind, which sends a chill down your spine. You return to your home so you can climb back into the warm snuggling comforts of your bed.

Unfortunately, you don’t wake up the next morning. You had passed away in your sleep from carbon monoxide poisoning due to a faulty furnace you were supposed to fix…

You are dead.

I sent a carrier pigeon to you with my latest story but he got lost. Ensure this never happens again by subscribing to my email list. Since the pigeon will be out of a job you can leave a tip on my ko-fi, join Medium with my referral link, or read my stories and I promise I’ll think about sharing some breadcrumbs.



Bradan Writes Stories
Choose Your Own Adventure — Collaboration

I'm a bacterial bard, and my inkwell is infectious. As disease diplomat, allow my quarantine quill to prescribe a cure, my tales of fantasy to ease your malady.