Fiction | Game | Medium Adventurers League ⚔️

Justice for the Villagers

A Primatria quest, Chapter 1


a tiny medieval village by a lake
Image by the author using MidJourney

This is part of a story that works as an interactive game. You’ll need to have dice and a notepad at the ready! Click here for the beginning of the Medium Adventurers League, or return to Hearthstone Hideout here.

Glancing at the noticeboard of Hearthstone Hideout one day, you notice a quest that you hadn’t seen before:

Please, help! We need the services of a hero — someone that will fight for justice! We are a small group of people living in Selkirk Village on the western shores of the Wailing Lake. Recently a noblewoman has begun constructing a mansion on our land. Her thugs are trying to get rid of us, and now locals are dying. Help us!

You realise that a small band of villagers won’t have much money as a reward. But hey… it sounds like something that would make the world a better place. Surely you can take care of these ‘thugs’ or whatever other nasties are killing the villagers.

Plus, the word ‘hero’ describes you pretty well…

There is a small map showing a route, and you set out, heading due west towards the fringes of the Feyglades. You feel pretty sure that with the spider problem now under control, it should be safe…



JF Danskin
Choose Your Own Adventure — Collaboration

Writing fiction (fantasy especially) and poetry, enthusiast for creativity, collaboration, community. An Editor at the Fiction Writer's Den.