Lord Diabolus’ Bedchamber

A chapter of a ‘choose your own’ story — Drabble edition!


A woman disguised as a red demon.
Photo by SLAYTINA: https://www.pexels.com/photo/fashion-woman-art-dark-9351731/

This is a continuation of You Are Dead, a Choose Your Own Adventure Story — Drabble Edition, started by Bradan Writes Stories. Find out how to contribute here, or return to the previous chapter here.

You break free from the zombie’s grip seconds before it bites you. Hearing gunfire outside, you run up the wooden stairs and through beautifully ornate wooden doors into the bedchamber.

It is as luxurious as the dungeon is gruesome. Four large windows, paintings, and antique furniture provide an aura of decadence and style. On the colossal bed lies a beautiful and terrifying demoness.

“A visitor!” she says and smiles at you, “A present by Lord Diabolus?”

“He had other plans for me.”

“And for me.”

She points at a chain around her ankle, trapping her in the room.

“Quick! Free me!”

You decide to …

  1. Flee through an open window into the garden.
  2. Flee through a window onto the roof.
  3. Free the demoness.
  4. Run back downstairs and try to get to the front gate.

This is a collaborative story, and you can add a chapter with an alternative path, or a whole new story of your own if you like! Come join us at Choose Your Own Adventure–Collaboration to contribute, or check out the examples below.

Please help me write some happy endings by reading my fictional tales, subscribing to my email list or joining Medium with my referral link.

