Story Arc #1: The Castle of Shadows

The Bracelet

A chapter of a ‘choose your own’ story


A magical-looking or fairy golden bracelet on the ground.
Image by the author using Midjourney AI

Click here to return to the previous chapter, or here to go to the beginning of the adventure. Writers, want to join us in writing collaborative choose your own adventure stories? Learn more here!

You decide to ignore Daniela’s instruction… as well as turning a blind eye to the peril that she is in after being dragged off by a rock troll!

Instead, you move towards the golden jewellery on the ground.


You pick up the bracelet. It feels warm in your hand. Well, why wouldn’t it — it just came off Daniela’s wrist. She could be fighting for her life right now, in the troll’s dark home. But what do you care about your wife’s safety and wellbeing, right?

Besides… the bracelet is magic. You saw Daniela do a magic trick with it. You now realize that you need that power…

Fiddling with the bracelet, you try to replicate the movements that Daniela made with her fingers back in the bedchamber.



It appears that you didn’t know how to use the dangerous magical alien artefact, and that you have now been blown to smithereens.



JF Danskin
Choose Your Own Adventure — Collaboration

Writing fiction (fantasy especially) and poetry, enthusiast for creativity, collaboration, community. An Editor at the Fiction Writer's Den.