Story Arc #1: The Castle of Shadows

The Dark Tunnel

A chapter of a ‘choose your own’ story


Image by the author using MidJourney.

Click here to return to the chapter “Resolving Matters”, or here to return to the chapter “The Archway to the Left”.

The beginning of the story arc can be found here.

There is no time to lose. You dart towards the dark, stony tunnel, stumbling as you approach it, and land face-first on the stony ground with a grunt.

Something smells real bad in this tunnel, but your decision is made. You crawl forward, soon finding yourself slipping downwards at a steep angle. You brace yourself with both arms, hoping it will widen soon…

When at last you slow down, you are deep below the entrance to the tunnel. All the same, you keep crawling — it would be pretty difficult to turn back, anyhow! At times you see a glimpse of movement up ahead, but it’s unclear who or what it is.

At last, the way levels out, and you are able to get to your feet in a nearly spherical cave chamber, lit by glow-stone above your head. You continue cautiously, moving along a tunnel lined with brickwork, until it meets a further tunnel at a fork. Some letters are scrawled on the wall, and it is light enough to read signs that point in the two directions ahead:



JF Danskin
Choose Your Own Adventure — Collaboration

Writing fiction (fantasy especially) and poetry, enthusiast for creativity, collaboration, community. An Editor at the Fiction Writer's Den.