Story Arc #1: The Castle of Shadows

Diving Into Unknown Waters

A chapter of a choose your own adventure story


A cave with a mysterious, dark-blue pool.
Image by Dudlajzov on DepositPhotos (purchased by author)

Click here to return to the previous chapter, which is also the beginning of the story, written by JF Danskin. But if you came to this chapter from the other story branch, this is the previous chapter. Do you want to write choose your own adventure stories with other authors? If so, consider joining us!

You stare intently at the hatch in the water.

Every instinct tells you this is a bad idea, but nothing ventured, nothing gained, right? You would never get anywhere if you always succumb to your nerves.

So you hold your breath and plunge into the pool.

To your surprise, though the water tastes like copper, it also feels pleasant to the touch–cool, refreshing, even soothing, like a supernatural embrace.

All your fight-or-flight instincts die down, because there’s no need to struggle here. Everything is well and peaceful.

The pool is also shallower than you expected. When you first step in, the water is only knee-deep. It gets deeper as you walk further, but it doesn’t get much higher than your waist.



Sieran Lane
Choose Your Own Adventure — Collaboration

A queer trans writer and therapist. I help fiction writers complete their novels. Let's connect!