Drabble STORY ARC #2: Seek and Avenge

Tower of Trauma

A ‘choose your own’ story chapter.


A pencil sketch of a square wooden watchtower, on fire.
Image by the author using MidJourney

This is a ‘choose your own’ fiction story, “drabble edition”. You can check out Chapter 1 of this story: The Burned Village. Check the previous chapter: ‘Darkbite Poison’ by John Fanidis.

The orc leader slows, reeling from poisoned arrow wounds to his back and legs.

You leave him to the warriors in the street to finish off, turning your attention to closer issues.

Orcs are climbing the watchtower, which is now fully on fire. Dara kicks one in the chest; it tumbles to its death. Another reaches the top, and stabs a villager. A third overturns your barrel of arrows.

You curse, leaning closer to the edge and hacking one orc with your sword.

But then another grabs your ankle and pulls. You fall, bashing your head once, twice, three times…


This story is a collaborative effort. Please feel free to join in develop the story…



JF Danskin
Choose Your Own Adventure — Collaboration

Writing fiction (fantasy especially) and poetry, enthusiast for creativity, collaboration, community. An Editor at the Fiction Writer's Den.