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chunks of code*
chunks of code*
Articles chronicling stuff I do with code which may serve as tutorials (if anybody finds them useful)
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Very simple permissions in Rails

I was working on a very simple Rails API, using devise_token_auth and I need to authorize controller actions based on user roles.

(Although, this should work fine for regular ol’ devise)

Push Notifications on the Web (Building a PWA Crossover)

Recently, Ire Aderinokun has been dropping knowledge on how to build a Progressive Web App with push notifications, local storage and all that good stuff on bitsofco.de. In the third post of the series, she goes over how push…

Wit.ai Explained — Part 2— Building a bot with Ruby on Rails

In the first part of this series, we went through some of the concepts that Wit.ai introduced in their (relatively) new Bot Engine.