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Ruby on Rails

chunks of code*
chunks of code*
Articles chronicling stuff I do with code which may serve as tutorials (if anybody finds them useful)
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Very simple permissions in Rails

I was working on a very simple Rails API, using devise_token_auth and I need to authorize controller actions based on user roles.

(Although, this should work fine for regular ol’ devise)

Push Notifications on the Web (Building a PWA Crossover)

Recently, Ire Aderinokun has been dropping knowledge on how to build a Progressive Web App with push notifications, local storage and all that good stuff on bitsofco.de. In the third post of the series, she goes over how push…

Wit.ai Explained — Part 2— Building a bot with Ruby on Rails

In the first part of this series, we went through some of the concepts that Wit.ai introduced in their (relatively) new Bot Engine.

Pragma — A new way to build Rails REST APIs

I did some work with Alessandro Desantis recently and he introduced me into a very different, but also very reasonable way of making JSON REST APIs with Ruby on Rails.

Simpler parameter handling for Interactors

At BuyCoins, we use the Interactor gem for business logic. It works like this:

Say you have an Interactor called SendCoins. You call can trigger it’s functionality by doing

SendCoins.call(amount: 0.5…