Go to CIID Stories
CIID Stories
The Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design (CIID) is an international hub of creative minds that consists of an education program, an award-winning consultancy, a research arm, and a startup incubator.
Note from the editor

The Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design (CIID) is an international hub of creative minds that consists of an education program, an award-winning consultancy, a research arm, and a startup incubator.

Go to the profile of Innovation Studios
Go to the profile of Shoshana Berger
Shoshana Berger
Senior director @IDEO; author of A Beginner’s Guide to the End: Practical Advice for Living Life and Facing Death (Simon & Schuster, 2019), with Dr. BJ Miller
Go to the profile of Martin Skau
Go to the profile of Irene Edwards
Go to the profile of Tori Campbell
Tori Campbell
digital design writer by day, arts & culture writer by night
Go to the profile of Andrew Lovett-Barron
Andrew Lovett-Barron
Designer exploring security, culture, and foresight. I write weekly essays on http://andrewlb.com Now: UX Research @opentrons Prev: @ideo , @usds , @newa
Go to the profile of Ulrik Hogrebe
Ulrik Hogrebe
Design Director at Carta, formerly of R/GA, WeWork, Frog, BBC News. Designs type, slowly.
Go to the profile of Tess Kuramoto