Best Insights from Cindicator Traders and Analysts

Published in
4 min readMay 22, 2018

The community of 100,000+ decentralised analysts and thousands of token holders is what sets Cindicator apart. The community is an inexhaustible source of insights, ideas, and inspiration for our team.

We believe in sharing knowledge. That’s why we’ve recently asked our analysts and traders who use our analytical products to share their insights.

This challenge helped everyone to better understand what Cindicator is and how it could help analysts and traders. Onboarding new members, helping to interpret indicators, telling people trading strategies and much more! This is what helps our community to grow and develop further.

Today we want to share some of the highlights and present the best pieces.

Key insights

Our team reviewed all submissions that we received. It was a very valuable glimpse into how our users think, what’s important to them, and what they get out of our platform and our products.

About learning…

“The purpose of the platform Cindicator — think, learn, improve and earn.” @aregkamalyan3

“Making regular predictions in Cindicator has prompted me to research and learn about new and exciting projects in the crypto space. Indeed, during my time as a Cindicator analyst I have found that the more predictions I make, the more market knowledge and experience I gain.” @nsupdates39

“[It’s] amazing how this platform helps me with all the concerns that I had in the beginning, without losing anything and with the opportunity to learn how to win all that I want, the indicators, the predictions the results with the real data all helped me to improve everyday, this is not just a kind of crypto school, this is like an investopedia with real data that we can analyze any time to learn and predict all the possible scenarios that a crypto asset could have.” @junforever

“As clearly, and eloquently phrased in the FAQ section of the Cindicator Website, “each indicator or index is not an unambiguous trading signal, but only an additional metric in the market that helps in the analysis of an investment decision.

As such is the case, by paying close attention to these additional metrics over time, it stands to reason that one can learn how to more effectively interpret indicators, and subsequently utilize them in their decision making.” @rexovas

… managing threats

“The greatest threat to the novice investor comes from not knowing how to react to uncertainty. … Utilising Cindicator Bot, a turtle trader is able to harness the dispassionate wisdom of a decentralised and geographically spread pool of analysts to make significantly better decisions than could be made feeding off of one’s own emotions and prejudices. The trend may be your friend, but Cindicator Bot is your true market companion.” @tonyfaccenda

“Cindicator provides a great help that lets you free to create your own trading strategies, but like every powerful tool, you need to understand how to use it to avoid harm.” — Erwan Létard

… and keeping yourself accountable

“Cindicator provides an easy way to keep track of your predictions, and you get paid, risk-free, doing so.”Isabella

“[It] is a difficult and time consuming task to document all the decisions involved why you decided for a certain event to be likely or unlikely to happen. Prediction platforms have the great benefit that they track your success.” @daniel.sponseiler.ds

“[The] system increases self-awareness, which is an important attribute to cultivate as an aspiring trader or investor. This self-awareness is coupled with the overall market (or community, in the case of Cindicator) and can give you a benchmark to evaluate your relative performance.” @haegeleja

Given the impressive volume of high quality submissions we received, it was hard to pick the best. That’s why we’ve assigned this important task to Hybrid Intelligence, letting our 100,000 analysts vote for their favourite articles.

The community picks

Without further ado, here is how the community voted.

The best Cindicator Analyst Insights are:

  1. How predicting markets helps understanding them
  2. Cindicator and The Holy Grail of Big Data
  3. Forecasting with Cindicator

The best Cindicator Trader Insights are:

  1. From Turtle to Wolf
  2. Cindicator Insight
  3. Unmasking the true accuracy of Cindicator

Here’s to knowledge sharing!

Once the creative fire is kindled, it keeps going. Some of our contributors have already told us that they are writing more articles about crypto assets, trading, and forecasting.

Why not join?

We are introducing a regular column for community writers and insights from traders and analysts. The goal is to publish the best pieces on this blog, spreading the knowledge across our community and beyond. For you this could be a great way to raise your profile within the wider crypto community, build up your writing and analytical portfolio, or just have some fun by doing something different.

If you have great insights that you want to share with our community, get in touch by sending a message to Yana Marakhonova, Head of Community, at yana [at]

