Hybrid Intelligence and Seasteads: Cindicator Partners with Blue Frontiers

Yuri Lobyntsev
Published in
4 min readMay 15, 2018

Imagine a future where decision-making is decentralised, and billions of people have a say about the most important choices that shape the global economy. Where their combined insights are continuously enhanced by machine-learning algorithms and neural networks. Where humans and AI form a Hybrid Intelligence. This is the vision that drives the Cindicator team every day.

At Cindicator, we know the power of a distributed community enhanced by ever learning artificial intelligence. We envision a future where people will enter a symbiosis with machines to solve the most pressing problems of the post-capitalist era. Cindicator’s Hybrid Intelligence ecosystem, which already includes 100,000+ diverse analysts and a neural network, can be leveraged for a wide range of applications, providing insights into economic, social, and political phenomena. I believe that these decision-making capabilities will be crucial for a new type of network organisation, the most effective structures for the new economy and a better world. We must perform experiments in decision-making not only online, but also in physical and real life environments.

That’s why we support Blue Frontiers — the leader of the seasteading movement, creating permanent settlements on floating structures. I believe seasteads have the potential to become the physical space for both social and economic experiments that will pave the way to the new economy. Let me introduce one of the first participants of the Symbiotic Network.

Blue Frontiers, pioneers in seasteading

Seasteads are mobile floating spaces that can be moved and reconfigured, allowing for the formation, reformation, and dissolution of neighborhoods, cities, and eventually nation states in international waters. Seasteads were brought to public attention by Peter Thiel, the libertarian billionaire and early supporter of the Seasteading Institute.

Since 2008, the team behind Blue Frontiers has worked on designing environmentally responsible floating settlements with a large autonomy negotiated with host governments.

A core structural feature of current models of government is centralisation. Excessively centralised authority leads to inefficient bureaucracies and representatives disconnected from the people they are meant to serve.

Seasteading brings decentralisation beyond the digital world of bits and into the world of atoms by providing modular, floating structures — seasteads — on which the evolution of new societies and forms of governance can occur. Each structure can branch off at any time by physically separating to create new seasteads, enabling a high level of evolvability and fast adaptation.

Mimicking nature’s time-tested method of variation and selection, the process of decentralising governance through seasteading will spark the creation and evolution of new advancements in civilisation. This resonates strongly with what we believe at Cindicator.

Here is how Randolph Hencken, Managing Director and co-founder of Blue Frontiers, describes the decision to join forces:

“Both Cindicator and Blue Frontiers have emerged in the zeitgeist where people are hungry for individual autonomy while still seeking strong community connections inherent to making life meaningful. The fundamental business of each company is starkly different on the surface, but the underlying premises are found in our core optimistic belief that technology is making the world a better place. This is why we are curious to invite Cindicator to experiment with decision-making in a seasteading environment to create better governance for the community, and ultimately increased well-being for residents.”

Our partnership

Both Cindicator and Blue Frontiers have an ambitious long-term vision of a decentralised, sustainable future, full of smart symbiotic collaborations. That’s why I joined Blue Frontiers’ advisory board. Together with the rest of the team, I’ll share Cindicator’s experience in building a successful community through a token sale and will contribute to experiments in developing a new type of social ecosystem and decision-making.

Spreading the word about Blue Frontiers and inviting our community to participate are only the first steps. Our goal is to apply our expertise in designing successful ecosystems with decentralised decision-making. We aim to connect all types of intelligence in one Symbiotic Network and to help people make decisions in times of high uncertainty, solving the greatest challenges humanity faces in an organised, healthy and independent ecosystem. At Cindicator and Blue Frontiers we’re building a future where no ideas are off limits, where everybody is free to experiment, learn, and evolve together.

I invite you, as a member of the Cindicator community, to become an early adopter of seasteading and join the movement for physical decentralisation. Subscribe to Blue Frontiers’ newsletter to receive updates and join their Telegram community.

Please be aware that none of the above constitutes financial advice, you should always do your own due diligence and act accordingly with the laws of your country.



Yuri Lobyntsev

Co-Founder & CTO at Cindicator, traveller, lucid surfer.