Superhero TV Show Power Rankings — SEPT & OCT 2018

We’re back for the most-crowded superhero TV season ever!

Daniel L
Published in
12 min readNov 14, 2018


The heroes of DC Universe’s TITANS

THIS MONTH(S) — Iron Fist returns to the Netflix dojo, hoping the second time’s a charm, as DC Universe enters the fray with its first series —Titans, a hard-R, gritty take on the team of super-sidekicks. Plus the answers to the surprising questions posed in the series finales for Arrow, Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl and Black Lightning. AND, I finally got around to finishing the first season of Syfy’s Krypton!

I’ve watched every episode of every season of every show listed below and have given the available episodes a brief analysis and a ranking out of 10. The italicized number after that represents the change in ranking from last season.

SPOILERS for episodes of — Arrow, Black Lightning, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, The Flash, Titans, and Supergirl — UP TO AND INCLUDING 10/31/18 as well as all episodes of Iron Fist & Krypton.

Oliver doesn’t even get a quiet lunch to himself.

Season: 7
Episodes Reviewed: 1–3
(1) Flash-forwards! While I accurately guessed the identities of the two men as well as the destination (I mean — of course it’s Lian Yu), it was still exciting to see the show return to it’s dual-storytelling tactic after taking a break from it last year. In fact, this new mystery is even more exciting than the present-day plot. (2) The Longbow Hunters. Although we’ve only seen a few minutes of them in action, the ultra-violent trio of criminals seems like they’ll be a tough match for the Arrow-less Team Arrow. The way the show portrays the Silencer’s powers is fascinating as well. (3) While the team could easily break Oliver out (they’ve got three allies in A.R.G.U.S. now), I’m glad the show has decided to keep him behind bars for a while.
(1) We’ve been with the same primary cast for two full seasons now. Adding a new member of Team Arrow would be a nice breath of fresh air. Perhaps the Mystery Archer will join? (2) Dinah continues to be unlikable. She’s either telling Rene to stop breaking the law, scolding Laurel for avoiding police protection or contradicting both of these things by fighting The Silencer. (3) Felicity defeats Diaz, a tough match even for the Green Arrow…by throwing hot coffee at him?
How to Make It Better:
Diaz has overstayed his welcome. Here’s hoping they put that plot to bed soon and begin focusing on new issues.
Stray Observation:
Oliver’s storyline (trying to stay heroic in prison, being forced into a fight club) is exactly like Archie’s in Riverdale…
Bold Prediction:
Stanley, Oliver’s “big fan” in prison, isn’t who he says he is. He is Diaz’s man on the inside…or perhaps another villain.
Score: 6/10

Old Prediction Realized: Dragon will last 3 episodes and will spend that time hunting down Team Arrow. [Incorrect]

Season: 2
Episodes Reviewed: 1–3
(1) Finally someone recognizes Jefferson as BL. It’s not that hard, folks. (2) I always appreciate when a show is willing to kill off major characters. I totally thought Kara Fowdy and Syonide would play larger roles in the series, so I was taken by surprise when the two killed each other. (3) Jefferson’s loss of his beloved principal job because he was saving the school as Black Lightning recalls the classic Superman scenario, where Clark Kent must appear like a coward in order to sneak out and save the day.
THE BAD: (1) This show continues to build up to something, but I’m beginning to wonder if it will ever get there, wherever that is. (2) The stories are starting to get repetitive. A kid overdoses on Green Light. Black Lightning saves the day. (3) Where’s Lala, last season’s most interesting character????
How to Make It Better: How about a flashback episode focusing on Gambi’s recruitment and early days with the ASA?
Bold Prediction:
Jennifer joins up with Tobias and Painkiller. BUT SHE’S UNDERCOVER!
Score: 3/10

More exciting than Oliver’s goatee!

Season: 5
Episodes Reviewed: 1–4
(1) I’m pleasantly surprised at how well Ralph fits onto the team. He is able to sub for The Flash when he’s busy and provides a sounding board for Caitlin and her familial issues. (2) Love how Nora casually drops major revelations about the future. “The League”? “Lightning Lad”? The future of the Arrowverse looks bright! (3) While his costume leaves something to be desired, Cicada’s lightning bolt weapon is super cool. With the revelation that meta-tech, now exists, a whole new world of possibilities has opened up.
(1) Ugh. Sherloque Wells? Time to let the Tom Cavanagh joke go. (2) Too many cooks in the Star Labs! There’s now Barry, Iris, Cisco, Caitlin, Ralph, Sherloque, Nora, and sometimes Cecile and Joe. Thats NINE people that have to have meaningful contributions week in and week out. The solution? Give Joe and Cecile a vacation from the team. They have an infant for goodness sake! (Since writing this, it looks like Joe will indeed take a break for the actor to recover from an injury.) (3) Enough with Cecile’s ridiculous telepathy. Why do we need that???
How to Make It Better:
In episode 3, both Joe and Cisco looked death in the face. But like Joe said, I wasn’t scared. I felt that both characters were totally safe. But can you imagine if one of them was killed — or at least seriously injured? Would you then take Cicada as a serious threat? I would. So far, I don’t think he’s that dangerous.
Bold Prediction:
Wells has hinted that Nora has more secrets. I believe one of those secrets is the impending death of a team member.
Score: 7/10

Old Prediction Realized: Season 5 will finally address the newspaper article in the secret room. [Correct]

Homage to the classic Iron Fist costume.

Season: 2
Episodes Reviewed: 1–10 (all)
(1) Joy’s complete character overhaul: The least-interesting character from Season 1 became one of the best in Season 2. Where we last saw her conflicted and confused, she now becomes fixated on shutting herself off from her brother and friend. Her grudge-holding feels childish at times, but it’s a definite improvement. The fact that she quickly realizes her mistakes and fights for redemption makes for a believable and worthwhile story arc. (2) Alice Eve as Mary Walker. “Anti-hero” is something that the Marvel Netflix series do quiet well. Mary is at once highly-qualified and extremely untrustworthy. (3) The final scenes from Season 2! Danny and Colleen have made kick-ass advancements in how they are able to use their power. Also, the traveling duo of Ward and Danny is something of which I would have really liked to see more.
THE BAD: (1) Davos. While I liked that his motive was a deluded belief that killing criminals was his duty, I never quite understood why he felt the need to kill innocents on that journey. (2) The lack of usage of Ward. My favorite character from Season 1 was criminally underused this year. While his addiction storyline was not unimportant, the Anonymous meetings seem to be a recurring theme throughout the Marvel Netflix shows. (Do all 5 shows have this?) He wasn’t really important to the main plot until the final episode. (3) Colleen and Danny’s chemistry. I honestly don’t know why they live together. They’re extremely unaffectionate toward each other and I don’t buy them as a couple.
How to Make It Better: I think Season 2 ended in a good place for a future season to take off. I want to see Ward and Danny: Traveling Buddies!
Bold Prediction:
Yes, Iron Fist is cancelled. Because in it’s place we will get Heroes for Hire and/or Daughters of the Dragon.
Score: 7/10

Oh no! Seg is stuck in a love triangle!

Season: 1
Episodes Reviewed: 1–10
RENEWAL STATUS: Renewed for Season 2!
(1) A superhero show is only as good as its villains and villainy is Krypton’s strongest suit. There are quite a few bad guys who show up, but none is as terrifying as Brainiac. This version is not the goofy robot we know from the nineties Superman cartoon, but a soulless alien being with a creepy voice, slithering metal tentacles and a fondness for taking over Kryptonian bodies like a parasite. (2) This show could have easily been done a reverse-Gotham and shown the ancestors of everyone in our Superman rogues gallery. However, while the show does incorporate some familiar faces, their introductions feel plausible, and you get the sense that the writers really had a plan for this show. (3) Colin Salmon (who you may recognize as Walter Steele from the early seasons of Arrow) is easily the most electric actor of the bunch. He plays General Zod with such passion that it makes me wish it was him Henry Cavill was fighting in Man of Steel. In fact, he could be the best Superman villain in live action media.
THE BAD: (1) The character of Seg has the depth of a sheet of tracing paper. He is the first draft of every cinematic hero — noble, brave, a rulebreaker, a troublemaker and a permanent scowl etched upon his attractive features. He’s been given the impossible task of saving his world and the world of the future. And yet, he remains the least interesting character on the show. (2) Much like the Netflix shows, this story would be much better told at twice the speed and in half the episodes. The real fun begins in Episode 6, where the villains come out to play. (Consequently, you have to spend the first five hours meeting the characters and learning about the world.)
How to Make It Better: As the final moments of the episode teased, the show will begin playing around with messing up the Superman timeline. More of that will make for an interesting second season.
Bold Prediction:
I have to believe that Mongol or Darkseid will rear their heads next season.
Score: Episodes 1–5 (4/10). Episodes 6–10 (8/10).

The Legends find a unicorn at Woodstock. Just another day at work.

Season: 4
Episodes Reviewed: 1–2
(1) The team was getting a bit too big, and with the departures of Amaya and Wally, along with the deaths of Martin Stein and Rip Hunter, we’re down to only 5 Legends. This allows for LOT to showcase some of its lesser-developed characters, specifically Steel and Zari, who were both featured in the first two episodes. (2) Legends wisely mixes up its pairings, which keeps the show interesting and fresh. Episode 2 saw Nate pair up with Sharpe, while Constantine invaded Mick’s personal space. (3) Speaking of Nate, could he be giving up the hero life for a desk job? Unlikely the show will do that, but it would make more sense — he’s always been a better historian than bad-guy-fighter. Plus, it would save the special effects team a lot of work.
THE BAD: (1) Just when you thought this show couldn’t get any more bizarre. Unicorns who bleed glitter and singing fairy godmothers? Matt Ryan’s Constantine does the best to treat them seriously, but it’s hard to take the show seriously too. I do give the writers credit for revealing that both of those creatures are ruthless killers. (2) This show was never meant to be a comedy. While it’s okay to have some humor, LOT suffers from too many puns and Gary jokes. (3) I am trying to stay hopeful that Constantine will be able to inject new life into the series. I am beginning to worry that his character won’t work in the world of Legends, though.
How to Make It Better: This is way too big an ask, but I’d like to see the Legends explore less-popular time periods. Maybe even teach the audience something about history, instead of embracing the stereotypical SparkNotes versions of historical stories.
Bold Prediction:
The show will be unable to resist revisiting one of the team’s old members (not including Amaya, who is confirmed to return). My odds are on Rip or Jefferson.
If Beebo shows up on Arrow, I’m DONE.
Score: 6/10

Season: 4
Episodes Reviewed: 1–3
(1) One of Arrow’s strong suits is its willingness to change up “Team Arrow” each season. Finally, Supergirl moves its characters around — Brainy is the new Winn, Alex is the new J’onn, and Kara is the new Cat. Great! New challenges for everyone! (2) While I know that it’s only a matter of time until the Supergirl clone (teased in the Season 3 finale) shows up, I’m enjoying having non-powered humans serve as the primary antagonists. Just like Arrow tired of evil archers and The Flash tired of villainous speedsters, Supergirl should focus on a different kind of bad guy, that can’t be defeated by strength alone. After all, Superman’s greatest foe was just a simple guy with a brilliant brain. (3) Despite the gaps in logic and the signature Supergirl cheese factor, Episode 3 provided the best villain origin story on this show yet. You can see how a good man was impacted by a series of unfortunate events to become the villain Agent Liberty.
THE BAD: (1) The undertones of racism — social commentary is fine — but can they be undertones if they’re blatantly obvious? (2) There continues to be important logic issues. Do we really believe Jensen, who worked his whole life to join the DEO, would be so easily turned? Would the Lockwood family, who live in an expensive-looking house with art on the walls, need to fill up a tub because they can’t afford running water? If Supergirl is falling out of the sky, is there enough time for [a] the DEO to find out her status, [b] call J’onn [c] have him get to her in time? And if no one’s there to catch her, does she make a sound? According to a Google search, the average raindrop takes 2 minutes to fall from a cloud…
How to Make It Better: More super-villains! How I miss the days of Metallo, Red Tornado and Livewire!
Stray Thought:
There is absolutely no reason to include the bit about Superman’s origin in the intro to this show. He only appears once a season, if that.
Bold Prediction:
Is this show slow-building Lena to turn into an evil Luthor? I can only hope.
Score: 7/10

Hawk and Dove — making wings cool again.

Season: 1
Episodes Reviewed: 1–3
(1) No network guidelines. The first fight sequence with Robin is literally jaw-dropping. Not only is it well-choreographed, but it’s wonderfully inventive and deliciously violent. You’ve never seen Batman this gritty. (2) It’s a unique story with good dialogue and impressive acting, especially Tegan Croft’s Rachel. (3) Not showing Alfred and Bruce Wayne is a smart move, as they would immediately take away from Robin’s story.
THE BAD: (1) Starfire’s costume is so garish and unrealistic, it looks like she robbed a Spirit Halloween. (2) Entering Episode 4, we’ve had no interactions with Beast Boy? (3)
How to Make It Better: Can we get a less flashy outfit for Starfire?
Bold Prediction:
A major surprise addition to the team. It probably can’t be Cyborg, but perhaps Aqualad, Superboy or Blue Beetle?
Score: 8/10


1. TITANS = 8/10

2. KRYPTON = 8/10

3. IRON FIST = 7/10

4. ARROW = 7/10

5. THE FLASH = 7/10

6. SUPERGIRL = 7/10



On next month’s Superhero TV Show Power Rankings…

The Doom Patrol appears live onscreen for the first time in Titans!

Amaya returns to Legends…but is it really Amaya?

Can Arrow survive Level 2 of prison?

The first half of Daredevil Season 3!

And more!

What do you think? Comment with your rankings!

For previous articles see NOV 2017, DEC 2017, JAN 2018, FEB/MAR 2018, APR 2018, MAY/JUN 2018, JUL/AUG 2018.

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