Survival Predictions for Avengers: Endgame

The Safe & The Doomed, The Resurrected & The Endangered

Daniel L
10 min readMar 24, 2019


  • Spoilers for all MCU films (Captain Marvel and earlier), as well as trailers, TV news and the IMDb page for Endgame.
  • Once you see AVENGERS: ENDGAME, please do not comment with spoilers either!

I did this for Avengers: Endgame last year, and while I, admittedly, was mostly fooled (I gave Spider-Man, Black Panther and Star Lord a 100% Survival rate), I did make a few accurate predictions (Loki’s death and War Machine’s survival).

But with no guaranteed movies remaining for Iron Man, Captain America, or Thor, let’s take a stab (pun intended) at who’s going to make it out alive, who will die a hero’s death, who will be resurrected and who won’t.

Here’s my list!
An asterisk (*) denotes that a character is NOT confirmed to appear in Endgame.

These boys will be back!


We don’t know how they’re going to do it, but somehow, the surviving Avengers will likely find a way to resurrect their fallen comrades. (Unless, like some theories suggest, parallel universes come into play.)

  • SPIDER-MAN — This we know, as Far From Home hits theaters later this summer. And how could you really kill off your friendly, neighborhood web-slinger?
  • BLACK PANTHER — Now an Oscar-winner and the 4th-highest-grossing film of all time, there’s no way we’ve seen the last of T’challa.
  • *STAR LORD — Just like James Gunn’s directing career, Chris Pratt’s lovable outlaw Star Lord will return from oblivion.
  • TEEN GROOT — I am Groot, I am Groot…I am Groot? I am Groot!
  • SCARLET WITCH — She has an upcoming show on Disney+ with her late beau Vision, but the TV show could take place in between the events of previous films.
  • *DR.STRANGE — It seems clear that Dr.Strange knew that he would have to die in order for the Avengers to eventually defeat Thanos. However, I don’t see there being as strong a desire for Dr.Strange sequels as, say, more Black Panther or Spider-Man films.
  • *FALCON —A future Captain America candidate, he’s a fun character who probably has a better chance at surviving this one than Bucky.
  • BUCKY BARNES—Also an option for Captain America replacement, Bucky has had a very troubled past, and could redeem himself with a hero’s death. It would be cool, however, to see him join up with the Wakandans in Black Panther 2.
  • THE WASP — I could see this film ending with a shot of the new Avengers — and if anyone’s qualified to join them, it’s Hope van Dyne. After all, she was one of the founding members from the comics.
  • *HANK PYM and JANET VAN DYNE — A snap reversal would see the original Ant-Man and Wasp return just in time for a third Ant-film. It’s interesting to note that only Janet is confirmed to return.
  • *NICK FURY and *MARIA HILL — Our favorite S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were the last ones to go in. We’ll see them again in order to provide some closure for Captain Marvel, who returns to Earth in order to help her old friend.
  • MANTIS and DRAX — MCU’s funniest pair should be back to provide more laughs in Guardians of the Galaxy 3.
  • SHURI — [UPDATE! 3/26] The recent character poster releases seem to confirm that Shuri did not survive the snap after all! One of the best characters of Black Panther, many believe she’s being prepped to take over the mantle of Iron Man after the events of this film, much like Riri Williams has in the comics.
Of the heroes killed before the Snap, who comes back?


  • *THE VISION —Probably the most predictable death of Infinity War, Vision was a marked man since his creation. BUT. Shuri implied he could exist without his stone in Infinity War, and while she failed to make one under pressure, it’s likely she can do it with more time. It’s a weird plot point that the Russos spent a lot of time on in Avengers 3, which leads me to believe this information may have been planted for the fourth film. I’m confident that the MCU franchise can easily move on without Vision, but the development of a Vision & Scarlet Witch TV show leads me to believe he’s getting rebooted. It’s also possible that he stays dead in this movie and is resurrected in the first episode of the TV show.
  • *GAMORA — While the finale of Infinity War offered one of the greatest surprises in film history, the deaths didn’t really feel permanent. But Gamora was not killed by the Infinity Gauntlet — her murder felt very, very real. The final Guardians film could have Star Lord struggling to deal with her death. And with Mantis (and possibly Nebula) in the mix, the roster is getting crowded already. And yet — I feel as though we haven’t seen the last of our green gal


  • *LOKI — Even though he also has a Disney+ show in the works, Loki’s been around for a LONG time. This show will likely take place in Asgard before it was destroyed or a nearby planet (to save on the costs of having Hemsworth and Hopkins involved). And having fake-died so many times before, another resurrection would make his Infinity War sacrifice meaningless.
  • THE ANCIENT ONE — Despite being listed in the cast, Tilda Swinton’s character seemingly died in Dr.Strange, so her appearance here likely means time travel, a flashback, or her existence as some sort of mystical spirit.
  • CROSSBONES — Another deceased enemy of the Avengers, he is also confirmed to appear in the film, adding to rumors of time travel.
  • *HEIMDALL —Sorry, Idris fans.
Don’t worry!

100% SAFE

  • CAPTAIN MARVEL — Late to the game, but still a fan-favorite, she’s been confirmed by Feige as the leader of a new generation of heroes.
  • ANT-MAN — Only one film shy of a trilogy, it feels like Scott Lang has one more Ant-sequel left to tell. The only other parent of the bunch (Hawkeye), he’s got a young daughter who would be devastated if he were to bite it.
  • M’BAKU — Another beloved Black Panther character, there’s no need to kill him off here.
  • WONG — It’s just been announced that Dr.Strange’s pal Wong will be in the film, and his poster seems to confirm that he survived the snap as well. He may be useful in helping our heroes travel through time, if that is what they end up doing.
  • PEPPER POTTS — She’s pregnant, right? Safe!
  • HAPPY HOGAN — He’s in the Spider-Man trailer! Also, he’s directing The Lion King.
  • HARLEY KEENER — Who?? He’s that kid from Iron Man 3! Many believe that this film will involve time travel. Regardless of his role, Marvel won’t kill a kid (although Ty Simpkins has grown up a lot since 2013).
These veterans may have a bit of juice left in them


  • BRUCE BANNER — He’s another candidate for a surprise death, but he still has some story left in him, as he’s been having difficulty getting The Hulk to come out. I think Black Widow’s death would have a bigger impact on him than the other way around.
  • HAWKEYE — Clint has a lot of explaining to do. Having not seen him on-screen since 2016, and now, showing up with a new outfit, it’ll be interesting to see where he’s been. I don’t think he’d show up after all that time and get killed an hour in. Plus, the dude has a family counting on him. And yet…with no guaranteed future in the MCU…and footage of him training another archer…and his unofficial status as a second-rate Avenger, I could see him going out with Endgame.
  • WAR MACHINE — Probably one of the most underused Avengers, Rhodey is the shoo-in to take over for Iron Man. He also had a near-death experience in Civil War. But I don’t think anyone would cry too much if he died, making him a prime candidate for early elimination.
  • BLACK WIDOW — Would Marvel kill off its most badass female fighter? Definitely maybe. Appearing in almost as many films as Iron Man, Natasha’s been a constant throughout the films. She has a long-awaited solo film in development, but that could easily be her origin story. Her death would be perhaps the most unexpected, and have a painful and profound effect on the Avengers, especially close friend Hawkeye, ally Captain America, and love interest Bruce Banner.
  • VALKYRIE — [UPDATE] Now confirmed to be in Endgame, it usually takes more than one film for the MCU to kill off a hero. Well, except for Quicksilver. Sorry, Quicksilver.
  • *AGENT 13 / SHARON CARTER — She really only serves as a love interest to Cap, but he’s got bigger things to worry about. We haven’t seen her since Civil War either, so she may be dust.
  • *RED SKULL — He’s just like a…being now, right? Can you die if you’re not alive?
These guys are in serious trouble.


  • ROCKET — With all 4 of his teammates gone, Rocket’s got nothing left to lose. While the cyber-raccoon is a beloved member of the GotG, he could be a surprise casualty in the quest to defeat Thanos, although we would certainly miss his love of limbs and body parts.
  • BUCKY BARNES — Of course, this assumes his return from oblivion. But I think his time in the MCU is quickly running out.
  • THOR — This goofy god has been through so much trauma over the past few films (deaths of dad, brother, friends, sister, and almost entire world), that it seems almost cruel to kill him now. However, with all eyes on Iron Man and Captain America, I think Thor could be a surprise death. His MCU trilogy is at an end, and with no city to protect, the only other way I can see his story ending is to retire on Earth and move in with Natalie Portman. Of all the deaths that could happen in this film, Thor’s would be the most painful (at least to me).
  • THANOS — The only reason he’s not in my “100% dead” category is because I could see the Avengers giving him some sort of “worse-than-death” punishment via someone powerful enough to torture him, say, Dr.Strange or Scarlet Witch. Enjoy your garden while you can, Mr.T!
  • IRON MAN — Yes, his contract is up. Yes, he’s not in Spider-Man: Far From Home. Yes, his death would be the most gut-wrenching of them all. Yes, his death has been teased time and time again. (see: Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Avengers, Iron Man 3, Captain America: Civil War, Avengers: Infinity War) But what if this is what Marvel wants us to think, to distract us from the real surprise deaths? What I do see is Tony hanging up the suit, and realizing he needs to focus on his family. Plus, for future movies, the wisecracking Tony is a much more fun cameo than the solemn Cap.
Begin funeral arrangements.


  • THE BLACK ORDER — These creeps have got to go. (Although logic has it that they could have been dusted too! Talk about bad career choices…)
  • OKOYE — Another fan-favorite (well, who in this cast isn’t?), Okoye is loyal to her king and would gladly lay down her life for him. And I think that’s exactly what happens. Her omission from the original poster billing was apparently due to contract lingo, but maybe it means she’s the first one to go.
  • NEBULA — One of the biggest shocks of Infinity War for me was that Nebula was amongst the spared heroes. With her journey of redemption almost complete, she will sacrifice herself to save her departed Guardians — and maybe even Gamora.
  • CAPTAIN AMERICA — The moral compass of the Avengers, I don’t see Steve walking out of this one. An outcast in an unfamiliar world, Captain America always helps do what’s right, but once the threat of Thanos is over, it will be difficult for him to settle down. Many other heroes have taken up the Captain America mantle, including Bucky, Falcon, and, apparently, almost Hawkeye!
  • NICK FURY — Yes, he’ll be brought back, but this film is a perfect way to send him off. I imagine Marvel will want to kill off many of their original heroes in this film. I predict Fury will have just enough time to reunite with Captain Marvel, and take pride in his Avengers initiative saving the universe. (Unless, he’s been a Skrull all this time…)

Who do you think lives and dies in Avengers: Endgame?

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