Go to Applied Artificial Intelligence
Applied Artificial Intelligence
Making knowledge on #AI accessible
Note from the editor

Making knowledge on #appliedAI accessible

Go to the profile of CITY.AI
Enabling everyone to apply AI by democratizing its design, development and use to reflect the diversity of the world we live in
Go to the profile of Sebastian van Eerten
Sebastian van Eerten
Currently a student at the University of Amsterdam and content lead for City.AI. I am inspired by human progress & am a proud member of #appliedAI nation.
Go to the profile of Christoph Auer-Welsbach
Christoph Auer-Welsbach
Venture Partner @Lunar-vc | Blog @ Flipside.xyz | CoFounder @Kaizo @TheCityAI @WorldSummitAI | Ex @IBM Ventures
Go to the profile of Mike Reiner
Mike Reiner
General Partner Acrobator. Previously: VC @ OpenOcean, Co-founder City AI, World Summit AI, Startup Wise Guys, CCC, Startup AddVenture.
Go to the profile of Catalina Butnaru
Catalina Butnaru
City AI London and Women in AI Ambassador | Product Marketing | AI Ethics | INFJ
Go to the profile of Valentina Colombo
Valentina Colombo
Marketing & Event Manager at Codaisseur
Go to the profile of Sohan
Alexa Evangelist at Amazon. Is terrible at self-deprecation.
Go to the profile of Alexandra Petrus
Alexandra Petrus
New Tech Product Strategist & ENFJ-T | @BucharestAI |@Women_in_AI | ex-VP Products @reincubate | ❤#products #innovation #emergingtech #AI
Go to the profile of DeepThought
Go to the profile of Fabian
Passion for AI. Invest early stage with Asgard.VC + organize the Riseof.AI events.
Go to the profile of Catalina Butnaru
Catalina Butnaru
City AI London and Women in AI Ambassador | Product Marketing | AI Ethics | INFJ
Go to the profile of Jamie Qiu
Jamie Qiu
Founder Managing Partner at StudioZao.com|Helping organisations apply #Intrapreneurship to drive innovation, growth and resilience|www.linkedin.com/in/jamieqiu
Go to the profile of Laura Calmore
Go to the profile of Tak Lo
Tak Lo
Author, Business Builder, Strategic Advisor, Premier Panel Moderator, and Influencer 😎
Go to the profile of Alan Hucks
Go to the profile of Eugen Buşoiu
Eugen Buşoiu
Passionate about technology and building innovative software products, with an interest in digital transformation and artificial intelligence.
Go to the profile of Ha Duong
Ha Duong
Investment Principal at Ocean Investment (single family office). Advisor at Cambrial Capital, Mentor at Techstars, Contributor at Forbes. http://minhhaduong.com
Go to the profile of Jasper Wognum
Jasper Wognum
HeadofProduct@TMGOnlineMedia Mentor@Startupbootcamp Organizer@ProductCamp Amsterdam Reviewer@Festivalinfo/Podiuminfo.nl EDM Producer/DJ@Jasper Wognum
Go to the profile of Appu Shaji
Appu Shaji
Head, Research & Development at EyeEm. Trying to make computers see. Co-founded sight.io .
Go to the profile of Manuel Koelman
Manuel Koelman
pirate at heart | @pirateglobal and @startupsafari | interested in machine intelligence, ai, data startups | life is #ARRR!
Go to the profile of Raphael Danilo
Raphael Danilo
founder @ Yobs // investing @ Evening Fund
Go to the profile of Antonio Mamani
Go to the profile of Chantal Louw
Chantal Louw
I walk. I watch. I listen. I write. I photograph. I curate. I love. Founder of kin www.kinshop.co.za
Go to the profile of Vincent Ketelaars
Go to the profile of Wilder Rodrigues
Wilder Rodrigues
Artificial Intelligence Research Engineer at helsing.ai
Go to the profile of Rao Pärnpuu
Rao Pärnpuu
Thoughts on artificial intelligence, value alignment, automation or other such stuff [ENG].
Go to the profile of Dijana Sneath
Go to the profile of Nadine Sarraf
Nadine Sarraf
Machine Learning Engineer |City AI Beirut Ambassador |@Women_in_AI
Go to the profile of Stephen Straus
Stephen Straus
Stephen Straus, co-founder and Managing Director of KUNGFU.AI, is an Austin-based serial tech and social entrepreneur and former venture capitalist.
Go to the profile of Joe Lord
Joe Lord
Innovation Coordinator at Digital Catapult and Intern at City.AI curating weekly ‘ AI Must Reads’.
Go to the profile of Lino Velev
Go to the profile of Aurore Belfrage
Go to the profile of Clarissa Accioly
Go to the profile of Kshitiz Rimal
Kshitiz Rimal
AI Developer, Google Developers Expert (GDE) on ML, Intel AI Student Ambassador, Co-founder @ AI for Development: ainepal.org, City AI Ambassador: Kathmandu
Go to the profile of Steve Meier
Steve Meier
14 year technology pro. AI enthusiast and Co-founder @ KUNGFU.AI
Go to the profile of Arun Nair
Go to the profile of Christophe Zoghbi
Christophe Zoghbi
Founder @ Beirut AI & Co-founder @ Zaka
Go to the profile of Denis de Groote
Denis de Groote
Seasoned business leader with a passion to help companies to pivot into machine inspired marketing. CEO at Pivott, ambassador at City.AI.
Go to the profile of Chanwit Boonchuay
Chanwit Boonchuay
Go to the profile of Cristian Perez
Cristian Perez
PhD, Data Scientist
Go to the profile of Hamburg AI
Go to the profile of Valentina Colombo
Valentina Colombo
Marketing & Event Manager at Codaisseur