Torneamentum de Magnus Round #2

Published in
2 min readJan 25, 2022

After what was a fierce battle between contestants to secure spots in the second round of our PVP beta tournament, the results are in and we are ready to proceed to the final round in which the top thirteen players will face off in a best of three elimination style tournament.

The top three player from our leaderboard will be seeded into the second round with Corel who placed #1 (congratulations) having a slightly easier path if we go by rankings, although keep in mind, anything can happen!

We briefly interviewed our three seeded players which you can check out here

If your name is on the above image, well done! You have shown your metal on the battlefield and proven yourself worthy of Magnus in his tournament.

From here you will need to organize your games with you opponent and play a best out of three to decide who goes on to the next round (We will contact you as well regarding these games over Discord. After the games have concluded, the winning player must notify FruitGuru.

Due to map spawns sometimes being very one sided when it comes to mountains, players may agree in advance to allow for one reroll each, meaning if a player gets a map they feel is hopeless, they may forfeit the match on their first move without incurring a loss, this must however be agreed by both parties prior to starting the games and may only be used once per party. If players can not agree to this rule, it is disabled by default.

The semi final and final games will be broadcasted on the official CityStates YouTube channel via livestream and shoutcasted.

Game dates:

Round #1 (5 games) 25th January
Round #2 (4 games — with seeded players) 26th January
Round #3 (2 games) 27th January
Round #4 (1 game — semi final) 28th January
Round #5 (1 game — final) 28th January

The above dates are deadlines to play your matches, if you can arrange to play them a day in advance up until the semi finals and finals, this is allowed.

