Go to Civic Ledger
Civic Ledger
Civic Ledger is the trusted global ledger that all civic life takes place on. Our vision is to build fair and transparent marketplaces of tomorrow.
Note from the editor

Civic Ledger is the trusted global ledger that all civic life takes place on. Our vision is to build fair and transparent marketplaces of tomorrow.

Go to the profile of Akasha
Go to the profile of Katrina Donaghy
Katrina Donaghy
Passionate about building businesses that have social good in the DNA. Handy with solving problems using design thinking putting the human back in the pic.
Go to the profile of Matt Burgess
Matt Burgess
Senior Web Developer based in Bangkok, Thailand. Javascript, Web and Blockchain Developer.
Go to the profile of Civic Ledger
Civic Ledger
Blockchain Platforms for Building Trust
Go to the profile of Cara Szellemes
Cara Szellemes
Amazon №1 Bestselling author of Your Brilliant Un-Career, Web2 and Web3 Content Strategist, Founder of 180Selfcare and Your Story Bank.
Go to the profile of Gemma Seeto
Go to the profile of Scott Lindh
Scott Lindh
I am Scott a 30-year coding veteran exploring the digital cosmos. 🕵️‍♂️💻 Not just a hacker, I debug the planet, turning bugs into cosmic features. 🚀🐛
Go to the profile of Jason
Go to the profile of Katrina Donaghy
Katrina Donaghy
Passionate about building businesses that have social good in the DNA. Handy with solving problems using design thinking putting the human back in the pic.
Go to the profile of Farhad Ullah Rezwan
Go to the profile of Fraser MacLeod
Fraser MacLeod
Over 25 years I have been working at the scientifically, technically, and politically complex crossroads of water, natural resources management, and technology.