Reducing fleet damage costs with Fleetio + ClearQuote integration

Venkat Sreeram
Published in
3 min readAug 31, 2023
Fleetio and ClearQuote inspection apps

Customers of leading fleet management software Fleetio can now track and manage damages efficiently and seamlessly with ClearQuote

Small to medium fleets running their operations using Fleetio — also use Fleetio Go mobile app for their drivers to inspect vehicles regularly and capture issues that need attention. This includes capturing images of fleet vehicles to document vehicle condition. With ClearQuote integration, images capturing during this inspection are automatically analysed to identify damages (if any). Fleet managers get an alert when any new damage is identified. This covers all types of passenger and light commercial vehicles (vans, pickup trucks).

Problem with unreported damages

  • Commercial fleet vehicles tend to accumulate minor damage during the lifetime of usage which goes unreported. Cost of these damages often run into ‘000s of dollars in repair bills (especially with longer vehicle replacement cycles we are seeing in the current times)
  • Manually tracking these damages is very inefficient, requires someone to go through each inspection and image to identify which damages are new and which ones are pre-existing.
  • Some times drivers may not capture all images necessary to avoid being charged for damage
  • Lastly to cater to demand cycles, fleet managers tend to augment capacity by hiring vehicles on a short term basis. Fleet managers also want to capture condition of a vehicle at the time of hire-in and hire-out to ensure they are not charged for pre-existing damages by vehicle rental/hire cos

Damage management made easy with ClearQuote + Fleetio integration

Fleetio + ClearQuote integration

With ClearQuote + Fleetio integration,

  • Regular fleet inspections including daily can be carried out in either ClearQuote app or Fleetio Go app whichever is preferred, images are captured and saved
  • Images are analysed by ClearQuote and damages are identified automatically using AI, damages are tracked uniquely (more details here)
  • Fleet managers have the option to either look at the ClearQuote dashboard or Fleetio dashboard to see (a) vehicles that have not been inspected (b) vehicles that have incomplete inspections © Vehicles that have new damages

Fleet data is automatically pulled from Fleetio database to ClearQuote database

Keeping fleets and drivers safe

This integration gives small and medium fleets an effortless way to stay on top of their fleet condition.

  • Knowing when new damages occur
  • Make handovers transparent, increasing accountability with drivers, thereby encouraging safe driving behaviour
  • Lower damage costs and downtime
  • Plan better for repairs

How does it work?

Customers of Fleetio can request a demo and free trial by writing to . All that you (as a Fleet admin and customer of Fleetio) need to do is setup a user account in Fleetio with access to fleet data and inspection data (specifically for ClearQuote integration), then this data is automatically pulled into ClearQuote system for processing as and when inspections are carried out. And you can start seeing the benefits of this powerful integration. Fleet customers who have benefited from this integration include Delivery Mates ( and OTL Logistics (

