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ClearTax Engineering
ClearTax Engineering
Simplifying financial lives of Indians. https://cleartax.in
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Value Types in Java — a quest for immutability

I saw this discussion on Martin Fowler’s recent post on ValueObjects pop up in HN today; and thought that this is the right time to talk about how we (ClearTax) create value objects (value types, immutable objects, etc) in Java.

A DSL for testing Income Tax Calculations

At ClearTax, being accurate is one of our most crucial requirements. We have to ensure that each and every tax return prepared by ClearTax is correct. As a result, we put a lot of emphasis on testing our tax-related code.

F# Functions Explained — Currying & Partial Application

Note: Originally published on the ClearTax Blog, in November 2014.

One of the most surprising parts of F# is the way it handles functions. Basically, each function in F# always takes one input parameter and…

Safer Programming with F# — Pattern Matching

Originally published on the ClearTax blog, in November 2014.

At ClearTax, we recently built a new version of our TDS Return software. And, we built it using F#.