It’s time to ask politicians, “what steps have you personally taken to prepare for the coming climate collapse?”

With better questions we just might get some additional insight into how urgent this crisis really is.

Brad Zarnett
Climate Conscious


Photo credit: Private Islands Inc.

If you’re like me, you’re tired of anything that a politician or a corporate billionaire has to say about climate change, but maybe that’s because we continue to ask the wrong questions. I know we’re not supposed to ask politicians about their personal lives but climate change sure feels personal to me and maybe it’s time to toss that unwritten rule out the window.

Let’s stop pretending. We can see where we’re headed. 2050 net zero is a fantasy and every politician on the planet knows it. Just because they’re masters of manipulation doesn’t mean that they’re stupid. Far from it. They get regular updates! They see the rising temperatures. The failing crop reports. And they see the giant swaths of the planet that are on fire. They know what’s coming! And rest assured, they’re taking steps to protect…



Brad Zarnett
Climate Conscious

I expose the climate fiction that’s peddled as the truth, and I work everyday to find a way to prevent the worst of climate change.