Mux streaming + the CLIPr live player + CLIPr processing = Ongoing engagement & deeper analytics

Mux + CLIPr: Simulcasting for deeper engagement

Mack Reed
The Moment


A few posts ago, we answered the question “Where does a livestream go when it dies?”

At CLIPr, we are building solutions to answer that question for more and more livestream partners. Our latest is for Mux:

When you livecast an event through Mux and embed it on your site using the CLIPr livestream player, your audience can react directly to every moment.

These nuanced Reactions — including Like, Genius, Provocative, Funny, Insightful, and Confusing — can show you (with realtime context) the speakers, ideas, and Moments that are connecting most strongly with your audience.

Long after your Mux stream ends and your viewers vanish, CLIPr keeps helping you build your audience, increase your engagement, and deliver engagement metrics. This helps guide strategy for your next event.

Here’s how to simulcast your Mux stream with CLIPr aboard. A video walkthrough is here, and step-by-step instructions are below it:

1. Go to the Streams Management page from the team view in CLIPr.

2. Create a New Stream in CLIPr, set relevant details, title and date/time are required, and save the stream.

3. Log into Mux with a paid account — Click Video in the left sidebar, then click Live Streams, then click “Create New Live Stream” at top right.

4. In the post body editor after the closing } bracket of “new_asset_settings” add the contents of this simple text file: MuxtoCLIPr.txt:

5. Copy the stream url from “Stream Server — Primary” in CLIPr and paste it into the post body in Mux (replacing yourStreamURL with the URL itself)

6. Copy the stream key from “Stream Key — Primary” in CLIPr and paste it into the stream_key space in the post body in Mux (replacing yourStreamKey above with the key itself).

7. Copy the CLIPr Livestream Player embed code from CLIPr “Stream Assets” and paste it into your target web page.

8. Now, in Mux, click Run Request, then copy the resulting Mux stream key in the response into your video-capture tool (such as OBS).

9. Click View Live Stream in Mux, and select one of the Mux RTMP URLs and paste it as the server URL into your stream-capture tool.

10. Start the stream in your video capture app! After 10–15 seconds, the stream will be running live in MUX and a few seconds later in your CLIPr player on your site.

When the session ends, CLIPr will automatically analyze the video, and return it in a player— complete with transcript, Reactions, and browsable Topics and Subtopics — to the same window where you embedded the livestream player appeared.

Your stream is then evergreen. Your marketing team and audience can share the entire video, or find and share specific moments, building engagement for your community long after the event is over.

Mack Reed is Director of Product Management at CLIPr, guiding the development of the platform’s functionality, user experience, community, and brand.



Mack Reed
The Moment

Veteran technologist, recovering journalist and longtime maker and Burner. Based in Seattle, where I guide product development for