Unique Lab ID Features in Cloud Pathology

Cloops Writer's Desk
Cloud Pathology
Published in
3 min readMay 24, 2021

Cloud Pathology generates Lab ID’s that are Authentic. Authenticity is the state of something being legitimate, and true. Authenticity is important when the value of something is dependent on where it came from or how it was made. So, Lab IDs are very dependable everything starting from patient registration to patient report delivery depends on it. “Cloud Pathology” generates Unique Lab IDs for every patient according to the test centre that they belong to. Whenever new patients register at the test centre the Lab ID will be generated on the basis of the day of registration and the centre that they belong to.

Cloud Pathology generates unique Lab ID with two different types:
1. Numeric
2. Alphanumeric.

Numeric Lab ID

Numeric: Numeric type of Lab IDs are those which are generated in numeric type. These IDs are different and will change according to the centre and on daily basis.

For example: for a particular day at any test centre A if the number starts from 1 then from another centre B Lab ID may start from 201, 202, 203.

Alphanumeric: This type of Lab Id will contain both numeric and letter. For any particular day if Lab can start from a1, a2, a3, a4, … for centre A similarly for centre g it may start from g1, g2, g3, g4.

Alphanumeric Lab ID

As shown on the side, Lab IDs will be generated according to the table in Alphanumeric type.

There is also the option of Daily Count Reset. When enabled, the lab ID’s every day will start from the same number as it was started on the previous day. There is also an option to continue the next day count from the number that was left on the previous day (Eg: If the last lab ID on Monday was 110 then, 111 is the lab ID that will be displayed the next day). Sorting of lab ID’s is also possible on the home screen to suit the convenience of the user.

As explained Lab ID’s will be generated with different types as shown above.
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Author: Raja Sukumar

