Remove AWS Control Tower

ACM.219 Steps to Decommission AWS Control Tower

Teri Radichel
Cloud Security
Published in
6 min readMay 17, 2023



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In the last post I took a look at the Pros and Cons of AWS StackSets.

In this post I’m going to remove AWS Control Tower from my account because it is preventing me from doing things I need to do. AWS ControlTower uses AWS StackSets and I considered using them in my own code but decided against it for the reasons explained in that post. For now, I just want to remove AWS Control Tower so I can continue migrating the remaining resources into my new account.

Decommissioning AWS Control Tower is a step that cannot be undone. If you don’t follow the proper steps you cannot redeploy AWS Control Tower later.

Prior to decommissioning AWS Control Tower



Teri Radichel
Cloud Security

CEO 2nd Sight Lab | Penetration Testing & Assessments | AWS Hero | Masters of Infosec & Software Engineering | GSE 240 etc | IANS | SANS Difference Makers Award