Convert Your Viewers into Potential Customers with Click to Call Solutions

Cloud Telephony Solutions
7 min readOct 4, 2022
Streamline Customer Interactions With Click To Call Solutions

All businesses try their best to capture every lead and convert viewers into potential customers.

They can achieve their communication and client relationship goals by deploying a callback widget on their website. That is why click to call solutions make way for inserting or implementing a click to call button on a widget.

Once this option is utilized, communication between a caller and call recipient becomes easy. A widget lets you connect with the right audience without dialing a phone number manually.

Click to call solutions to help business enterprises enhance caller experience when they have a click-to-call button on their apps and website.

With features like IVR Menu, call routing, call recording, call routing, call tracking, and call monitoring, a click to call service enables you to maximize lead generation.

Go through the content to know about the features of click to call solutions that benefit all industries looking for a cost-free way to connect their business.


The availability of a quick call back option on your different communication channels eases the calling process for the potential audience looking to contact.

With the right and easy-to-use callback options, website or app visitors can submit their contact numbers and request a quick callback.

The best part of using such an option is that it eliminates the on-hold time and reduces the obstacle to connecting with business.

Business enterprises opted for a click-to-call service are more likely to get better business opportunities. This service type doubles customer satisfaction and reduces customer efforts.

A click-to-call solution is vital for integrating with the database for fuss-free calling.

When you opt for such a unique solution, you are supposed to benefit from 40% fewer call abandons, better agent utilization, better business flexibility, and boosted communication by 400%.

Look at some unique features of call solutions that are highly beneficial for all small and medium-sized enterprises in India.

Why do you need click to talk solution?

  • You need a convenient channel for communicating with your customers and website visitors.
  • You need to increase sales and conversion rates.
  • Click-to-talk is a simple way for your visitors to interact with a single click.

Click to call for purchasing decisions

Independent market research company Ipsos was commissioned by Google to understand consumer attitudes toward click to call options within paid and organic mobile search results.

Ipsos surveyed about 3,000 mobile searchers who had recently made purchases to understand the role of the click to call in the purchase process.

The result of the study disclosed that about 70% of mobile searchers utilized click to call as an important channel for online consumers.

The study also exhibited consumer behaviors across categories, including automobile, travel, finance, restaurant, retail, technology, and local services.

Features of click to call solutions

A click to call service providing company offers the best click-to-call solutions and application programming interfaces (APIs) to small and medium-sized enterprises.

With their pan-India coverage, they help businesses allow their website visitors to call them instantly and for FREE. Moreover, they can check call logs and real-time reports via the cloud-based platform’s dashboard.

Both click to call solutions and API play a vital role in hassle-free communication, quality lead generation, and interaction with website visitors.

With secure REST API, it is easy to integrate with your existing mobile app, CRM, and website. Look at some features of click to call options that help viewers convert into customers.

No Manual Dialing

No manual dialing is the best feature of any click to call solution. Customers want better communication solutions without wasting their valuable time.

That is why no manual dialing is a unique way for agents to reach customers with a single click without needing to dial their number.

Call Recordings

After no manual dialing, call recording is a specific feature of click to call solutions. With this feature, you can easily keep track of voice call quality and the agent’s performance by using call recordings.

Call Masking

Call masking is another feature of click to talk solutions, and it allows the agents to connect and interact with the customers without displaying their numbers.

Live to Monitor

The business communication service provider’s live panel lets you easily monitor your business calls in real-time and helps you decide the flow of calls.

Call Tracking

The business needs to track everything to make a balanced customer communication decision.

With the call tracking feature, it is easy to screen and track all client calls successfully and the daily performance of business agents.

Detailed Call Reporting

When you need to peep into depth to analyze the flow of incoming and outgoing calls, the detailed call reporting feature allows you to get definite and regular reports of a multitude of calls produced via your dashboard.

Integrate with apps and website

Integration of click to call button on websites and apps make communication between the caller and call recipient easier.

App and website integration feature is easy to integrate calling widget in current website, CRM, and apps. Interestingly, you needn’t have complex system changes or migrations to integrate a call button with websites and apps.

Fully Scalable Platform

Another exciting feature of the click 2 talk solution is a fully scalable platform. You can efficiently serve all business communication needs with a fully scalable calling clout-based telephony platform.

All-time Availability

You will never like to miss a sales opportunity, even if you are not present to attend the call. The feature of all-time availability ensures you capture every single lead adequately and schedule a call later.

Record & Log Every Call

Business enterprises don’t want to miss any business opportunity through phone calls.

That is why the call recording and logging feature helps you check real-time call reports and recordings concerning call analysis, call monitoring, and call process optimization.

User-friendly Interface

Click to call services providing companies offer a user-friendly real-time interface so that you can keep your customers updated on their business agents and calls.

24*7 Customer Support

When you opt for a click to call service, you are supposed to get round-the-clock technical support for all services directly or indirectly associated with click to call solutions and APIs.

Industries where click to call solution is effective

Click to chat solutions are not restricted to any particular industry. Call solutions suit the communication needs of all business organizations according to their concerned sectors.

The following are some prime industries where click 2 call solutions can do wonders and give the business a competitive edge. These include:

  • Automobile
  • Banking and financial services
  • Consulting services
  • Consumer goods
  • Education
  • IT & ITES
  • Logistics and transportation
  • Media and advertising
  • Travel, tourism, and hospitality

Banking and financial services, collection agencies, and investments can integrate click to call options for customer-oriented services. Integrate of call solution will function as a unified communication platform ensuring multichannel interactions.

Click to call options also help the IT and ITES industry manage multichannel interactions effortlessly with fast-deployed and easy-to-use Cloud-based voice solutions.

This industry can enable IT teams with an all-in-one communication platform for better insights, deep analytics, work flexibility, and real-time reporting.

Automobile manufacturers, car dealers, and resale platform owners can automate their diverse services using a click to call solution to streamline customer engagement.

With a call solution from a professional communication service provider, the automobile industry can offer a seamless customer experience and turn prospective leads into actual customers.

The consumer goods industry is a big industry where concerned businesses plan their retail management, sales, delivery, and distribution via broadcasting solutions.

People associated with the consumer industry can retrieve in-depth sales reports, business insights, and customer market trends in real-time.

Hence, click to call solutions are vital in making business communication smooth and convenient in many industries.

How does click to call work?

Click to call, click to dial, or click-to-talk is a method that allows people to connect with a company agent or representative through the phone while browsing. The following is a four-step approach that shows how a click to call option works.

  1. A smartly integrated API system connects the customer to company staff.
  2. When the customer clicks on the “Click to Call button,” the customer is prompted for his phone number.
  3. Then, the API System triggers a call to the calling agent.
  4. The customer receives a call as soon as the agent gets connected.


Every business enterprise needs a bolster to upgrade customer communication and cater to changing needs. And this bolster comes in the form of a user-friendly click to call solution.

All businesses are not the same; so are their needs. But call solutions are for every industry and people associated with it.

When you think of turning your viewers into customers through reliable communication processes, a click to call services provider in India can extend a helping hand, and you get a competitive edge.

An India-based click to call services provider offers you best-in-marketing pricing, enhanced customer support, SLA-backed uptime, API integrations, end-to-end customer service, and a fully-functional cloud telephony suite.


Other Useful Resources:

  1. A Quick Insight into How Click-to-Call Service Works and its Benefits
  2. What is IVR: Benefits of IVR & How it can help Building Brands
  3. Learn Everything About Click-To-Call Solutions and Benefits
  4. How Businesses Can Make Money With Click To Call Solutions




Cloud Telephony Solutions

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