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Cloudflare Apps

Select highlights from blog.cloudflare.com
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App Highlight: Hardenize

by Jameson Sundell

Hardenize is a comprehensive security tool that continuously monitors the security and configuration of your domain name, email, and website. Ivan Ristić, the author of Hardenize, gave a demo of his app at our Cloudflare London HQ.

Net Neutrality Day: Cloudflare + Fight for the Future

by Jameson Sundell

For Net Neutrality Day on July 12, Fight for the Future (FFTF) launched a Cloudflare App installable for websites all over the world. Sites with it installed saw as many as 178 million page…

Participate in the Net Neutrality Day of Action

by Alissa Starzak

We at Cloudflare strongly believe in network neutrality, the principle that networks should not discriminate against content that passes through them. We’ve previously posted on our views on net…